Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 7 years, 10 months ago
I’m glad horses are of a forgiving nature. Almost like a dog, a horse seems to forgive and forget the occasional lapse we humans tend to have when things don’t go just so.
I had one of those episodes not too […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 7 years, 11 months ago
I had some time and some decent weather again today, so out to the horses I went.
My goal for today was to trim up J Golden’s hooves again, break him to the D-ring snaffle bit, and to see if I could actually […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 7 years, 12 months ago
For the first time in quite a while, I had a day off today with good weather at the same time. So, after sleeping-in to an appropriate hour, and having a relaxed breakfast while watching the news, I headed out to […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years ago
I took a trip home last week to visit my parents. I haven’t been down to their place in Arizona for a while. Dad got bucked off his horse several weeks ago and got a little beat up, so I figured I’d better get on […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years ago
I had a little free time this afternoon and the weather was nice, so I took the opportunity to go out and mess with the horses.
I have been trying to get J to let me put a halter on him, so I can start working […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years ago
I recently posted comments to a thread on a facebook group I belong to, entitled, “The Sacketts: Louis L’Amour.” My comments caused some stir among a couple members, who believe everything Louis L’Amour wrote or […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
Last week I picked up a new gelding. Â I’ve been trying to figure out a name for him. I thought of several, but nothing stuck. Figured I’d just wait and see if something jumped out at me as the perfect name. I […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
Last month I posted a little about a gelding I have been considering buying, to bring my horse cadre back up to three and to find one that paired well on the trail with my Fox Trotter mare, Lizzy. I finally […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
This is one of my favorite photographs of Linda and me. It was taken in 1981 by my dad right on top of the tallest peak in Arizona, Mt. Baldy, at 11,421′ elevation.
Linda and I were dating then. I h […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
I spent quite a bit of time today searching and reading information on the Antiquities Act of 1906, also known as the Lacey Act, as well as information regarding the evolution of the legalities and legislation […]
Tony Henrie commented on the post, I am about to become politically involved….., on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
You are absolutely right. Those gates the USFS and BLM have been locking restrict access to public lands, especially for those who may be physically disabled, including vets. The USFS and BLM have also used their […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
I have been following, although somewhat casually, the issues regarding land control and use in the State of Utah, which includes the recently created Bears Ears National Monument. I have read blog and facebook […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 1 month ago
In reading over some old posts on my blog about my pack trip from Eagar to Flagstaff, Arizona in 2016, I came across my post about a device charger I bought and realized I never made a report on our experience in […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 2 months ago
It’s just January 12th and already I’m starting to feel the “cabin fever” setting in.
We’ve had somewhere around two feet or more of snow fall in the past three weeks or so here in Salem, Utah. It seems like […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 2 months ago
I was in the Tandy Leather store in Orem, Utah last week, buying some leathercraft tools and supplies, when I happened upon a container of Snow-Proof Weatherproofing wax. Since my packer boots were in dire […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 2 months ago
I have a horse up for sale. He’s a very handsome, good, solid four year-old palomino paint gelding I bought earlier this year for a  pack trip. We were short one horse for a trip from Eagar, Arizona to Flagstaff, […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 3 months ago
A week or so ago, I finished my second reading of The Log of a Cowboy, A Narrative of the Old Trail Days, by Andy Adams. I enjoyed it so well, both times, that I thought I’d write a review. Maybe somebody else […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 3 months ago
I got the ground seat finished today and started on the rigging. I’m hoping I’ll get the rigging done and started on decorating the skirts, jockeys, and sweat leathers on Thursday. Not going to have much time […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 3 months ago
I’m pretty excited today.
Several months ago I started working on a Christmas gift for my oldest grandchild, Adi. She’s four years old. Last spring she saw a pony and told her mother, “Pop-pop (that’s me) […]
Tony Henrie wrote a new post on the site Western Trail Rider 8 years, 11 months ago
Two weeks ago I was invited along with Jon Tanner and Casey & Erin Johnson to head down to the San Rafael River for a ride. The area we went to is commonly known as Swinging Bridge, named for the old wooden […]
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