Here they go again. Another political land grab.

So, after the conclusion of a far-reaching cooperative agreement between all affected parties regarding land use in southern Utah,  which came as a reaction to President Obama’s self-serving and abusive designation of nearly two million acres of land in southern Utah, including the seizing of private lands, mining claims, range leased lands, etc,  under the Antiquities Act, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois has violated the conditions of that agreement while he seeks political support from the environmental special interest group Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA), by introducing a bill in Congress supporting the creation of a huge wilderness area in Emery County Utah. Senator Mitt Romney (R Utah) is trying to fight the bill on behalf of the residents of Emery County and all other impacted participants in the above mentioned cooperative agreement. Thank you Senator Romney!

Romney, Curtis, Bishop Condemn Durbin Bill that Harms Emery County