Picked up a new horse…

I’ve been shopping around for a new horse for the second leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip. Those of you who have been following the blog will recall that my Missouri Fox Trotter mare, Lizzy, had some issues on the first leg. Her long-strided, swinging walk caused rub sores on her shoulders, chest, and rump wherever the pack saddle rigging straps rubbed. She was the only horse with this issue. It seems her summer coat of hair is a bit thinner than my other horses. For this reason, I had to keep her under riding saddle more than I wanted, which eventually caused a sore spot on her back as she began to lose weight during the last part of the trip. In the final analysis, while she is my favorite trail horse, she just isn’t the horse for this pack trip.

I was actually shopping for a new mustang, since we had such good luck with Jimbo, and came across a few possibilities, but it seemed that they were either too far away or weren’t broke enough for my needs (I don’t bounce like I used to and just didn’t want to have to deal with breaking a bucker). Then, a couple weeks ago, a horse that wasn’t too far from my locale caught my eye from an ad on KSL Classifieds, out of Heber, Utah. I kept going back to the ad, because I liked the color and build of the horse. Finally, I decided to make a call and go see him.

IMG_1938The ad indicated he was a grade gelding and that his sire was APHA registered. He was 3-1/2 years old, 14 hands, and had a couple months of training. The price was a little higher than I was looking for and he was a bit younger than I wanted, but I decided to take a look anyway.

I invited my good friend, Rob Prody, and we headed up to Heber one afternoon, about an hour’s drive. We took a good look at him and found he was a bit taller than stated in the ad, at about 14.5 hands, I’d guess. He has a nice, stocky build, short back, straight legs, nice chest and rump, and nice large, round hooves. He had a calm and friendly disposition and was easy to catch, although he tried to avoid being haltered. Looking at his teeth, I could see that the last of his baby teeth was about to come out, so his age was about right. The one thing that worried me a little was a quarter-crack on the outside of his right rear hoof. It wasn’t actually opened up, but I could see the line running up to the coronet. I couldn’t see any injury there, though. I also found he didn’t like me messing with his rear hooves too much, and he made a half-hearted attempt to cow-kick me a couple times. I decided not to make the purchase at that time, but told the owners I might call back in a couple weeks.

After missing out on a couple mustangs I wanted to see, and taking a couple weeks off of my horse shopping, for vacation and work, I found my mind returning to this gelding. Once I got home and had time to continue my search, I decided I would call again on this paint gelding and make an offer, before looking at three other horses I had selected to check out. The long and short is that the owner and I came to agreement on the price and agreed on the sale.

After spending an evening digging my horse trailer out of about 18″ of snow down here in Salem, with the help of a neighbor with a fairly large 4wd John Deere tractor, I was able to pick the horse up on Wednesday evening.

I again took Rob up with me, thinking that we’d just pick up the horse, stop somewhere for a dinner, then head home. You know what they say about “best laid plans.” After arriving at the owners’ place, I signed the Bill of Sale they had prepared and handed over the money. After some small talk and getting to know each other a bit, we headed out to catch-up the horse and load him into the trailer. That’s when the owner mentioned the horse had only been in one other horse trailer and they had a tough time loading him. I could feel the warning lights and horns going off in my head. Since I seem to always buy greenbroke horses, I normally don’t pay for them until I have them in the trailer. I had forgotten all about that simple protocol this time.

IMG_1937Well, he was easy enough to catch, and I had just a little trouble getting his halter on, but he lead easily over to the trailer. Due to the situation of the residence and the amount of snow in the drive, I had parked the truck and trailer on the side of the road. I had the emergency flashers going to keep us from getting hit by passing traffic in the dark. So, here we are bringing this greenbroke horse up to the back of my trailer in the dark with the emergency lights flashing and us shining flashlights around. Looking inside that cavernous, dark trailer, he simply said, “Nope! Not going in there!”

Realizing this was not going to be a short, easy project after the first couple of failed attempts, I pulled out a long training lead, hooked one end to his halter ring and passed the other through the tie loop in the front stall. Holding the tail of this rope, I kept pressure on him and coaxed him from inside the trailer, while my helpers attempted to haze him in from the rear. He would get right up to the trailer, then fight and pull back. I just kept the tension on him, allowing it to slip just enough to keep him from hitting his head on the trailer as he fought. My help had to really scramble a couple times to get out of his way. At one point he reared up, turned, and clopped the owner on top of the head with one of his front hooves. Luckily, he had no shoes on and the owner had a sock hat that offered some protection. Nobody, including the horse, got hurt in the process, other than the owner’s knot on the noggin. After close to two hours, the gelding got tired and simply gave up. He hopped into the trailer, I led him into the front stall, shut the divider, and we had him ready to travel. I put some hay in the manger for him and we headed off down the road.

I felt him move around a bit the first mile or so, but when we stopped at a restaurant about three miles away and checked on him he was fine and was settling down. By the time we came out after dinner, he was quite calm and I was comfortable with heading back down Provo Canyon to Salem.

My herd at pasture in Salem
My herd at pasture in Salem

Once back in Salem, at the pasture where the rest of my herd is kept, I opened the loading gate and started to back him out of the trailer. He got one leg out the back, said “Nope!” and hopped back in. After several minutes of failed attempts at coaxing him from in front, I got out of the trailer and gently coaxed him by pulling lead rope from behind, past his legs. Eventually, he came piling out and everything was good.

I led him over to the fence to allow him to meet his new pasture mates. Seeing no strong aggressive moves from him or my other horses, after a few minutes I released him into the pasture. We sat and watched them for about a half hour and it appeared he would be fine and that the other horses weren’t bullying him enough for me to worry. We left him then and headed for home.

I finally had a chance to mess with him a bit this afternoon and to start his orientation and training. Again, even in the large pasture with other horses, he was easy to catch, but made it difficult to get his halter on. We’re going to have to work on that. I curried him a bit, then tried his hooves. He allowed me to lift all his hooves, although he’s a bit spoiled. We’re going to be working on his hooves a lot, until he figures out that it’s not an optional procedure and that he  might as well just relax and let me do it.

IMG_1936I also learned that he doesn’t like his stomach messed with. He narrowly missed me with a good cow-kick today. Had he not tried that half-hearted cow-kick when I first saw him, and had I not acted with caution this time around, he would have got me pretty good. So, we spent a few minutes working on that bad habit with the knotted end of a heavy lead rope. He learns pretty quickly.

Next week I’ll see about saddling him up and give him a bit of a test drive. I also need to take him for a vet check, Coggins test, and brand inspection.

This gelding doesn’t have a mean bone in him, but he’s very spoiled. He’s going to take some work. I think he’ll develop into a fine horse for Dad and me to take on the second leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip.

His name is Reno, and I think it fits him. I have four months to get him into shape.

Thanks to Travis and Terra Naffziger, for selling him to me and helping load him on the trailer.

Day Five!

As we left it last week, Dad and I had made camp on a small knoll about two miles west of Texas Canyon Road, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, on the fourth night of the first leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip.

The fifth day began as all the others did, with us waking up about 5:15am. We rolled out of bed, took care of our morning oblations, fed the horses, and Dad started cooking while I started breaking camp.  As usual, I set my solar panels up to catch as much sun as possible while we packed up for departure, in order to have battery for the cameras and GPS.

We had all the horses loaded up and ready to move by 9:00. As Dad was mounting Jimbo, he lost his balance and fell pretty hard. He shook it off and I held Jimbo while he got in the saddle. Dad got lined out with his pack animals and I went to bridle and mount Ranger. I got up into the saddle and was trying to get Lizzy and “that stupid mare” lined out when I just happened to notice something on the ground underfoot of my horses. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a smart-phone. I jumped off and picked it up, amazed that the horses hadn’t stepped on it. Of course, it was Dad’s phone, which had slipped out of his pocket when he went down. It was lucky I found it, and luckier that it hadn’t been smashed by a horse’s hoof. It was just another lucky break for us…or maybe it was another one of those little helps from above. We had a number of those kinds of things happen for us.

Scenery along Rucker Canyon Road
Scenery along Rucker Canyon Road

We were on the trail by 9:15am. We had a short uphill to climb, but after that we were moving pretty much downhill toward Texas Canyon Road. We hit the road before noon and headed north toward the North Fork of Rucker Canyon, following the dirt road.

Shortly after we hit Texas Canyon Road, we had our first near tragic wreck of the trip.

I had dismounted to open a gate to bypass a cattle guard. Before dismounting, I tied Lizzy’s lead rope to my saddle horn with a clove hitch, so I could lead Ranger through the gate with the pack horses following. This was a metal gate, rather than a barbed wire “gap”, like we normally ran into. I unchained the gate and opened it toward us, rather than away, without thinking. I swung it wide, then led Ranger through. As I led him through the gate, it swung back and caught Lizzy at the shoulder, right in front of her pack saddle, pinching her between the gate and gate post. Ranger, then, feeling the tug behind him, began pulling hard against the pressure. I finally saw what was happening and had started to pull Ranger back, when Lizzy began pulling back as well. Between the two of us pulling, Ranger’s front end came off the ground and he fell sideways to his left, toward the cattle guard. When he fell, his front left foreleg went into the cattle guard to above the knee, with his right front folded under him.

Scrape on Ranger's front left from the cattle guard
Scrape on Ranger’s front left from the cattle guard

I was still pulling back on Ranger’s lead rope, now from directly behind him, while Lizzy, still pinched in the gate, pulled from his left side. I held tight, fearing that if the lead rope, or saddle horn, or cincha, or anything else, were to break, Ranger would lunge forward and end up with all four legs into the cattle guard.

Suddenly, with both Lizzy and me pulling and Ranger struggling, he again started coming over backward, causing his left front leg to pull straight up and out of the cattle guard. Rather than falling over backward, though, he stood up on his hind legs and walked backward, relieving the pressure on Lizzy.

Then, as suddenly as it all started, it was over.

After calming the horses, I checked Ranger over carefully, and found he had scraped some hide off his front left foreleg, but there were no serious injuries. He could easily have broken his leg. Lizzy was uninjured.

Once again, thank you, Lord.

Lesson learned: Always open gates away from you!

Eating Beanie-Weenies with a wooden spoon
Eating Beanie-Weenies with a wooden spoon

Somewhere along the road, we stopped to give the horses a rest and took our lunch. Our usual lunch was beef jerky and a Cliff Bar, but on this day we had Beanie-weenies. With our eating utensils neatly packed away on a pack horse, we took the opportunity to engage in one of our very own Henrie family traditions: we made wooden spoons and ate our beanie-weenies with them. That tradition dates back to my very first mountain trail ride with Dad, while I was in high school. My brother and I were on a hunt trip with Dad in the Blue Wilderness Area in Arizona. We were riding our horses up out of the Blue on the Red Hills Trail (the trail, not the road). When we stopped for lunch, we had a can of Van Camp’s Pork and Beans, but nothing to eat it with. Dad used his pocket knife to open the can, then carved us a wooden spoon. Thus began the tradition. No Henrie can truly say he’s been wilderness camping until he/she has eaten beans with a hand-carved wooden spoon.

We arrived at our day’s destination about 3:00pm, after 13.6 miles, making exactly 50 miles from our starting point five days earlier. We picked out a campsite with plenty of grass and picketed the horses. There was a small corral in which we allowed Jimbo and Honey to graze. We set up our camp and relaxed awhile before our new riding companions arrived.

Camp at North Fork of Rucker Canyon
Camp at North Fork of Rucker Canyon

Josh Jensen and Al Smith arrived just an hour or so later with their mules. They were both pretty excited to be able to participate with us on this part of the ride.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, several months before, during the planning of our route, I advertised that anybody who wanted to ride with us for a portion of the trip was welcome to join us. Joshua answered the call and we began planning out the route through the Chiricahuas together. Lucky for us he and Al came along. Joshua happens to be a member of the US Border Patrol Mounted Patrol for the Safford District. Al Smith is his good friend, whom we invited to join us as well. Between the two of them, they know the trails in the Chiricahuas. Some of those trails have suffered from several major fires in recent years. Many of the trails are impassable, and some have disappeared entirely. Without the help of Joshua and Al, we never would have found our way through those mountains. Joshua was also able to track any USBP activities in the area and steer us clear of any drug trafficking and illegal alien groups passing through the area.

Additionally, with Joshua’s help, we were able to stage horse feed resupply points, without which we would have been helpless, as there was precious little grass in the Arizona desert areas we passed through between the border and Safford. We had left twelve bags of feed at Joshua’s house in Safford before the trip, which made for three feed resupply stops. We fed the last of the feed we had packed from the US/Mexico border that evening and the following morning. Joshua brought eight bags of feed in his truck. The plan was for us to load four bags to get us through the mountains. We would get the remaining four bags when we got to his truck as we emerged from the mountains, where he and Al were to leave us. We would resupply again at his house in Safford when we arrived there, packing out the last of the feed, which would get us into the higher elevations, where we expected to find sufficient grazing for the horses.

Joshua brought us something else that evening. As a “thank you” for us letting him and Al join us for the ride, he cooked up T-bone steaks, potatoes and cheese, and fetuchini, with brownies for desert. All cooked over an open fire (except the brownies), it was fabulous. Much better than the dehydrated meals we had been living on.

My journal for the day makes a couple comments I thought I would provide in their entirety:

[Begin journal comment]

As of today we have made 50 miles exactly.

Dad rode Jimbo today. Jimbo got a little excited a couple times, but Dad rode him out and after that Jimbo did great. He’s a good horse. Strong, sound, not a mean bone in him, and sure-footed. He’s doing better with his skittishness every day.


Ranger and Lizzy did well today. I sure enjoy Ranger. He and I are really bonding. I enjoy riding Lizzy, but Ranger is starting to act like I’m his herd leader. Even when he gets excited and runs off, he always returns and comes to me. I think he and I are going to enjoy a lot of miles together.

Daisy has a saddle sore coming up. We plan to pony her bareback for the next several days. We’ll leave her pack saddle in Joshua’s trailer and he’ll get it back to us on our rest day, Sunday.

[End journal comment]

Daisy's saddle sore starting
Daisy’s saddle sore starting

That evening, while tending the horses, I noticed that Daisy was developing a saddle sore high on her withers. We decided to let her go bareback for several days to let it heal up before it got worse. Due to the location of the sore, it was at this point that we began to think we were over-padding our pack saddles, which may have been what caused Daisy’s saddle sore. The following day we stopped using the extra saddle pad under my Phillips Formfitter pack saddles and happily discovered that our problems of the packsaddles moving and slipping on the horses ceased completely. After that day I don’t believe we ever had to stop to adjust another pack saddle for the rest of the trip.

Lesson learned: Don’t over-pad the Phillips Formfitter pack saddles. Our 3/4″ wool felt and canvas pack saddle pads was sufficient protection and using only those kept our packsaddles from moving around on the horse’s back.

Here are a couple short videos from Day Five I made on Texas Canyon Road.

Day six coming up next. Stay tuned.


Day Four

To review a bit from my last entry about the first leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip last year, we left off with the end of Day Three and Dad and I camped in Half Moon Valley, just outside the Chiricahua National Monument.

The XPG Ultralight measures 20"X72"
The XPG Ultralight measures 20″X72″

After a good night’s rest, the cloudy weather having cleared up, we arose early. That was the first night we had a chance to try out our Cabela’s XPG Ultralight Extreme Performance Gear air mattresses under actual pack trip conditions. I have to say, they performed quite well and gave us a decent night’s sleep throughout the trip.  Still, they aren’t “Grandma’s Feather Bed”.  As we were sleeping out under the stars most nights, the daylight would wake us pretty early and there just wasn’t much sense or enticement for laying in bed any longer.

As became our habit, we fed the horses first-thing, then Dad started breakfast. Our cooking was done on a propane single-burner Coleman pack stove. This proved to be perfect for our needs and will be what we take for the remainder of our adventure. It is a very simple device, compact, and almost indestructible. We would heat water, in an aluminum pot, dump in the ingredients, let simmer until fully hydrated, then put on water for drinks while we began to eat. Didn’t take long to have a meal ready, eaten, and done with.

We had quite the menu. We had purchased a box of dehydrated home food storage meals from Walmart. The food was all self-contained in #10 cans, purported to be about 75 meals, which we broke up into separate freezer bags, so as to be able to pack it more easily.  We added some instant oatmeal and a couple dehydrated meals we had left over from previous trips, and the meal package included a couple luxury items, such as freeze-dried beef and strawberries.  So, our meal choices appeared, at first blush, to be quite varied and ample. However, we went through the varied part pretty quickly and ended up with three main meals: dehydrated vegetable stew, creamed corn, and hash browns and powdered eggs…or any mixture of these items to try to break up the monotony a bit. Our lunches were generally a bit of beef jerky and a Cliff bar. By the time we finished the trip, we had each lost about 20 pounds and were starved for some real food.

Breakfast on this day consisted of powdered eggs and hash browns, with a little freeze-dried beef pieces tossed in, with some hot chocolate and/or hot apple cider to drink. It wasn’t bad for a camp breakfast.

Breaking camp on Day Four
Breaking camp on Day Four

While Dad did the cooking, I set out my solar panels to charge batteries, started gathering up our gear, and packing manties. As I detailed in another post, this was a tedious and work-intensive operation. Every morning we had to sort our gear into about eight different piles, four for the manties, and four for the paniers. The paniers proved to be much easier, because we could actually store most of the gear in the paniers, so stuff we used during camp time was generally placed back in the same panier after we were done with it, so packing the paniers was a matter of putting the last several items in them. However, with the manties, we used the tarps for ground sheets and bed covers, so every evening the manties were completely undone, had to be reconfigured for balance, and repacked every morning.

Once they were packed, we used a pack scale to make sure they were within a couple pounds of each other. If they weren’t, we would have to unpack two of them to reconfigure them to proper weight, then do it again. Even though I became pretty good at it during the trip, and got faster at it, it was never something I looked forward to. Besides being time and effort consuming, I found tying up the manties really wore on my bare hands. The first few days my hands ached at night to the point I had a hard time going to sleep. After a week I began to develop calluses and tougher skin and it didn’t bother me so bad.

Ranger, my 16-hand Missouri Fox Trotter
Ranger, my 16-hand Missouri Fox Trotter
JImbo, my "free" mustang.
JImbo, my “free” mustang.

At some point during the packing, I stopped for breakfast, then continued packing. By the time I got the manties ready, Dad had the paniers packed and we got the pack animals loaded, the packs tied on and covered, and got started saddling the saddle horses. On this day I rode my big Fox Trotter paint, Ranger. Dad rode our mustang, Jimbo. We got out of camp and on our way about 9:15am, which was about average for us.

Several miles up the trail, we came to a point at which the map showed that Half Moon Valley trail turned almost directly westerly for a couple miles, then back northeast to join with another trail that then ran northeast for a ways to join Texas Canyon Road. We could see by the GPS and USGS maps that we could also turn north up High Lonesome canyon and go cross-country for about 1.5-2 miles and join another trail that would take us to Texas Canyon road, saving us about 4-5 miles. At four miles per hour average speed, you can see the shorter route made sense. Turned out to be a rough couple of miles. At the end of this post are links to three videos I shot during that short bushwhacking session. They are long and unedited, but shows the country we went through.

During this trip there were several things that happened that I firmly believe were providential. Dad and I both got the feeling, starting right with our planning and preparations, that we had help from the “other side” on a number of occasions. We seemed to have at least one such occurrence everyday of the trip. Being religious ourselves, it was easy to believe that we had a few of our forefathers riding along with us, cheering and helping us along the way. It was almost as if the Good Lord was rooting for us, two of the least of his children, trying to connect to our pioneer past. On this particular day, two of those things happened.

Filling canteens in the creek at High Lonesome Canyon
Filling canteens in the creek at High Lonesome Canyon
Filling canteens with a pump filter
Filling canteens with a pump filter

As we arrived at the cutoff we had decided to take up High Lonesome canyon, we found a clear, running stream there and took the opportunity to fill our canteens. We used Dad’s pump filter, which is a pretty slow operation for four two-quart canteens. While we were pumping water, I allowed Ranger, my 16-hand paint Fox Trotter, who was my saddle horse for the day, to wander and graze, along with Honey the mule. The rest of the stock we tied. Ranger, being the wanderer he is, tried to cross under the neck and leadrope of Dad’s little gelding, who was a pack horse for the day. They got tangled up and began to struggle. The branch Little Black was tied to broke, spooking both horses, and off they went, galloping over the hills in the distance. I could see all sorts of stuff trailing along behind Ranger and I was already thinking of all my expensive gear in his saddle bags and on his saddle, including my new binocs, my GoPro camera, my solar panels, an axe, camp saw… I just shook my head. Luckily, our spooky mustang, Jimbo, was Dad’s saddle horse for the day, and was tied (we had learned at least that much). I grabbed him up, jumped into the saddle and headed off to see if I could find the horses, which were long out of sight.

I hadn’t gone more than 50 yards, when I heard Ranger whinnie. I watched for a minute and located both Black and Honey, standing together several hundred yards up a hillside, in a little hollow. About the time I located them, I saw Ranger coming out of the trees heading back toward me. He approached at a hard trot, with my axe dragging behind, banging between his rear legs. I could only cringe as I envisioned the damage to his legs.

Ranger trotted up to me with a half-panicked expression (if horses really have those) on his mug that said, “Help me! I’m hung up!” I dismounted from Jimbo and caught Ranger’s lead rope and prepared for what I would find. I was astonished to find that when Ranger and Black got tangled up and started struggling, my axe, which had been hung on the saddle through a two-inch brass ring tied into the front saddle string, had gotten snagged in Black’s pack rigging. When Ranger tore loose, the saddle string broke, dropping the axe, which then became tangled in the bridle, which was hanging on the saddle horn. The bridle came loose, but remained suspended from the horn by the reins. The reins were long enough that the axe, tangled in the bridle, dragged the ground right between his hind legs. With all Ranger’s galloping around in sheer panic, the axe remained hung up in the bridle, banging around between Ranger’s hind legs, and the reins remained intact. The heavy leather axe cover had remained in place all that time and the rubber handle prevented any bruises or cuts to Ranger’s legs. My saddle bags were still in place, as was my camera and solar panels, which were tied behind the saddle.  In the end, the only item I lost from Ranger’s panicked breakaway was half of a saddle string. Even the brass ring was still on the axe. What a relief. After leading him back to where Dad was finishing up with the canteens, I went after Black and Honey. They waited patiently for me and came without a problem. I checked them over and it appeared we had lost nothing from their packs.

Thank you, Lord.

It wasn’t until that night that I discovered my heavy Carhart coat, that was stashed in a panier on Honey, was missing. Oh well. I’m sure it will be well received and used by whoever finds it. Interestingly, or maybe providentially, at camp that evening, we found an insulated vest someone had left, which got me through some pretty cold mornings and evenings as we crossed through the Chiricahuas.

The second thing for which I credit providential intervention happened while we were traversing from Half Moon Valley trail up through High Lonesome canyon. I’ll let the videos speak for themselves, as far as describing the country. Although one cannot get the true perspective of the angles and steepness of the hillsides we were traversing, at least you can see the country. I decided to try my chest mount for the GoPro camera for the first time. I had no opportunity to try it previous to that point, so I had no idea how it would turn out. Turned out I mounted the camera improperly and it was nearly disastrous for me.

After passing through some extremely difficult and steep terrain for over a mile, we stopped to rest the animals. I looked down to turn off my camera and it wasn’t there. Here we were in the first week of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip and I had lost our video camera, in which I had invested over $1,000. I can’t express how upset I was with myself. As I thought back over the trail, I quickly realized that my chance of going back over our trail and finding it was about one-in-a-million. I couldn’t figure out, for the life of me, how the camera had come off the mount. I was pretty down-in-the-mouth, as they say.

Heading toward Texas Canyon Road after passing through High Lonesome
Heading toward Texas Canyon Road after passing through High Lonesome

I looked all around myself, the saddle, and the surrounding area, then dismounted. I was standing by my horse, telling Dad I had lost the camera, when I heard a “plop”. I looked down and there was the camera at my feet. How it got there I did not know, but I sent up a prayer of gratitude right then. After we finished the ride and I had a chance to actually view the video recording, I discovered what had happened. I had improperly installed the camera on the chest mount, missing the hole with the mounting bolt, so that the camera was only held in the mount by friction. Just before we stopped for rest, the camera hit the saddle horn, as I leaned under a branch while going uphill. The camera fell off the mount and ended up falling between my canteen and the horse, where it became lodged, and hidden, until I dismounted and moved the canteen. You will see all that happen in the videos.

Thank you, Lord.

We only made 9.4 miles that day, having passed through some very tough terrain and steep elevation changes, as we made our way toward Texas Canyon Road.  The sun was setting when we picked out a decent campsite on a small knoll, about two or three miles west of Texas Canyon Road. We passed a pond about a quarter-mile before stopping, so the horses were well-watered. The fourth video below is one I made at that campsite as we cared for the horses and made camp (it was posted on a previous blog post as well). It was a very long and tough day for us, despite the low mileage recorded for the day.

We enjoyed a restful evening under the stars on a clear, cold night on a small knoll in the middle of nowhere. Ahhh! That’s what it’s all about!

Stay tuned for Day 5 and next week.

Some questions from a buddy…

I recently received an email from a friend who posed several questions to me about our pack trip gear and some other things. As I typed out my responses I realized this information might be useful to others. I decided to post it as a blog post (he requested his name not be used). I reconfigured the email to take less space here on the blog.

On 01/25/2016 4:46 pm, [my friend] wrote:


 Your blogs are great and I enjoy every one — many thanks. Kinda curious about your mustang plan, whether you’re calling upon WWMR in Loa or whether there’s time for you to buy one from the feds and soft break. That sounds tough given your 7/4 deadline, but I kind of suspect you’d prefer to DIY.

 I’ve been following your gear notes carefully. Here’s something that might interest you: Cavalry Bed Rolls by Ellis Canvas Tents out of Durango, CO.


Their concept looks good, but I think the system can be simplified and improved. First, the foam mattress adds unnecessary bulk. A Therm-A-Rest offers as much or more padding but weighs less and goes flatter. Second, it would pair nicely with a simple wool surplus military blanket with sheet. This combo would roll up smaller than the foam and sleeping bag getup, and sleep comfy, too. Throw it open in the morning to air out while you’re eating and packing, then zip, roll as a unit, and lash on. Good for a variety of climates right down to cold.

Given any thought to your brand for your Eager acres/ranch?

[end of email]

Thanks for the email and the compliments on the blog posts. I’ll try to post at least one per week until I get through the “pack trip chronicles” and hope I can keep people interested.

I’ll answer your questions in order.

I made the decision last year that at least one of my Missouri Fox Trotters was not going to make the rest of the trip. My mare, Lizzy, got a lot of rub sores from the pack saddle rigging, due to her long-strided, swinging walk. Additionally, both my Fox Trotters began to lose significant weight on their backs toward the end of the trip, making their already prominent spines stand out even more, which caused both to get sore-backed and raised a calcium deposit on their backs. You can see it in the photo gallery below on Ranger.

 The only horse that came out of the first leg of the trip unscathed was Jimbo, my mustang.

Ranger, my "free" mustang.
Ranger, my “free” mustang.

That being the case, I decided that I would look around for mustangs to replace my Fox Trotters. At length I decided to take Ranger with us on the second leg of the trip and just replace Lizzy. So, I’m looking for one mustang. I have spoken with West Taylor, who is helping me watch for a good one. 

Yes, I would prefer to be able to pick one out from the BLM pens and break and train it myself, but I just don’t have the time to do it. Not only that, but I just don’t bounce as well as I used to, so I’m not excited about having to break a bucker at this time in my life. Training is another matter. I can do that…if I have time. There are plenty around that have been saddle broke and are being sold cheap (in fact, Jimbo was given to us free) by folks who thought they could handle a green mustang, but have since changed their minds, so I’m watching for a good one. Jimbo turned out not only to come to us without price, but in turn, has turned out to be priceless to us. He’s a good, solid, reliable horse. That’s just what I need when we start down into the Grand Canyon.

What I can’t afford is to have an unpredictable horse that might, at some unsuspecting moment, buck either myself or my dad off. There is simply no leeway for that. So, that’s why I have been talking to West Taylor. I don’t have time to be breaking a new mustang and he’s pretty good at what he does, exceptional, in fact.

So, we’ll see what happens. Fact is, I’m short one horse right now.

Your suggestions for the gear are all good. Those bedrolls do seem very convenient. We have looked at them, but at length decided to go the way we’ve always done. That is simply laying out a ground sheet, tossing our bedrolls on top, and using a canvas tarp over top of the beds. Here’s why: We use one of the canvas tarps that go over our horse’s packs as a ground sheet and another to cover us. The canvas is waterproof when in contact with water, but breathes, which keeps our sleeping bags dry (a plastic tarp causes moisture to gather from your own body moisture and makes a wet sleeping bag). We use air mattresses that create almost no bulk when packed and yet allow us to sleep much more comfortably than the roll-up foam mattresses. Foam is a better insulator than air, but our air mattresses are so thin that it’s not an issue.

Additionally, we don’t have to have a canvas bedroll that would just be one more piece of canvas to pack around, adding extra bulk and weight. We try to make as many gear items do at least double-duty as possible. The “cowboy bedroll” as they are called, can only do one thing, protect your bedding.

Our beds, airing out in the morning.
Our beds, airing out in the morning.

For those who are wondering, the canvas we use for our pack covers and bed ground and top sheets are 15-20 oz tight-weave canvas that has been treated with a waterproofer. The brown canvas tarps sold by Tractor Supply are excellent for this use. They breathe when dry, but when dampened, as with dew or rain, the weave tightens and becomes waterproof, but still breathes. It can wick water through if something is touching it, but that’s normally not a big issue. We have found that once the weave tightens up, the canvas stiffens and we can simply kick up under it and it will form sort of a dome over our sleeping bags, running the water off and keeping us dry. We just have to make sure the top sheet is wider than the ground sheet, so that water running off the top sheet runs onto the ground and not onto the ground sheet and under our beds. If we are expecting rain we also normally put up a plastic rainfly to protect us from the bulk of the rain water. This system has served us very well for many years. We have always preferred sleeping out, rather than in a tent.

As for the idea of using the cowboy bedroll with a simple wool army blanket and a sheet, that would be fine for summer at lower-to-mid elevations, but I found out last year that it can get mighty cold at 9,000+ feet, even in mid-summer. While we realize that the old cowboys often did with a lot less than that, you can bet every one of them would have jumped at the chance to trade their wool blanket for my sleeping bag on a cold night! I took my light summer bag last year to save on bulk and nearly froze when we were at elevation in the Chiricahuas. One night our canteens froze before we went to bed and I was nearly froze solid before morning! I Had to trade out my light bag for my heavy bag once we got to Dick’s place on the Blue River. I was much more comfortable after that.

WTR logo
WTR logo

Last question was about a brand for my place in Eagar, AZ. Yes, been thinking about it. My daughter Amy designed one a while back. I still haven’t decided. She designed a pretty nice logo, as well, which I plan to put on my horse trailer as soon as I get time/money to refurbish it. She also made me a few T-shirt transfers with the logo on it. I guess I should make a few T-shirts for the trip!

Thanks for your questions. Maybe this information will help someone else along the way in their packing experience.

Days Two and Three

For the next installment of our travel log of the first leg of our Mexico-to-Canada trip, I’ll cover days two and three. We had originally planned to take rest days on Sundays and one weekday. As things turned out, we were behind schedule from the start, so we eliminated the weekday rest, but our Sundays were spent in rest, relaxation, and thanksgiving.

This first Sunday of our trip was particularly restful, not only for us, but for Clancy and the horses as well. It allowed us all to recoup our strength and recover from muscle soreness of the first day’s exertions. We hadn’t intended to stay Sunday at the Bar-M Ranch, but when we woke up on Sunday morning, it was raining outside. We were glad for the blessing of having been able to spend a restful night in beds in the Bar-M bunkhouse.

Shortly after Dad and I got out of bed, Jesus dropped by with breakfast for us, compliments of Araceli. It just doesn’t get any better than that for a 3,000-mile horse pack trip! We asked Jesus if we could stay over another night. He acted like he was surprised we would even ask and replied that of course we could stay.

Dad relaxing at the Bar-M
Dad relaxing at the Bar-M

Dad and I spent the day just relaxing. We held a short religious service, to thank the Lord for having blessed us to be able to make this trip as father and son, and to ask for his continued help and blessing. Clancy spent most of his day just laying at my feet. He was pretty sore and tired from yesterday’s mileage. The pads on his feet weren’t as tough as they might be, since most of his life prior to the trip had been spent in places with grass and mud, rather than rocks and cactus.

We learned from Jesus that the ranch was owned by a family named Keifer or Cafer. It comprises over 40 sections of deeded land. The family also owns several other ranches in Arizona and New Mexico. We were appreciative of the generosity of the ranch in allowing us to cross their land, using their facilities, and staying in their bunkhouse. This stop, after our first day of the trip, was truly a blessing to us. It made a lot of difference to us going forward. Without that day of rest, I’m not sure Clancy would have been able to make the rest of the trip. The generosity and warmth shown us by Araceli and Jesus was truly a breath of fresh air in our day and age, here in the United States.

Bar-M Ranch, northeast of Douglas, AZ
Bar-M Ranch, northeast of Douglas, AZ

By the end of the day, the weather cleared up. The horses looked good and Clancy had recovered and didn’t appear to be sore anymore. That evening Jesus dropped by and brought some cookies for us. He passed on Araceli’s goodbyes and told us he and she both would be leaving early in the morning. Araceli had to head back into Douglas for work and he would be heading to another ranch to look after about 800 yearling calves that required some work. We said our goodbyes and settled-in for another restful evening.

The following is from my journal for Day Three (Monday) of our trip. I was already starting to lose track of time, as my journal has the date as Tuesday, April 13. I wrote the entry on the morning of Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

04/13/15   Tuesday   Half Moon Valley, Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona

Leaving the Bar-M ranch
Leaving the Bar-M ranch

We made 16.5 miles yesterday. No major mishaps. Horses are getting settled-in and becoming trail-wise. We passed through some tough country with the ground covered with volcanic rock and thickets of mesquite and catclaw. We were very glad to have good, heavy chaps.

We made the 4-5 miles to highway 80 around 2pm and were trying to find our way through the fence, when Jesus drove by on his way back to the Bar-M. He stopped and talked a bit and let us know we had missed the only open (unlocked) gate for several miles (actually we had hit the fence line probably a quarter mile east of the gate and turned the wrong direction. He told us there was no other open gate heading west for many miles). We decided to lower the fence where we were and travel along the highway shoulder to Rucker Canyon Road. It was providential that Jesus met us there, because farther along, the fence had been rebuilt and we would have had a tough time with it. [Jesus had another ranch hand with him and they helped us lower the fence and stood on the wires while we got the horses across.

Traveling alongside I-80, just west of Boss Ranch Road
Traveling alongside I-80, just west of Boss Ranch Road

At that point the fence was quite old and the wires were loose. We simply unclipped the ties with our fence tools, lowered the wires, had Jesus and his hand stand on the wires while we crossed, then retied the fence wires to the posts, leaving it in better condition than before. About a half mile further on, the fence had been newly rebuilt and the wires were “high and tight” and would have been nearly impossible for us to cross it. We passed several gates along the way, but they were all we padlocked.]

We crossed the fence, said our goodbyes to Jesus and headed on. A bit later we had to re-set the pack saddle on Daisy. While doing that, Jimbo spooked and ran off, with Ranger tied in tow, and Daisy and Lizzy following (we were left standing by the fence with Black and Honey). It looked bad for us, but they stopped about 100 yards away and [when I approached them] Ranger came to me. I got them all caught up and we walked back to where Dad was. We got everything settled and went on. That was the only mishap we had yesterday.

Jimbo is getting more confident and trusting and less skittish every day. He’s going to be a great trail horse.

Joel Tanner and Cody Winn, USBP Agents at Boss Ranch Road
Joel Tanner and Cody Winn, USBP Agents at Boss Ranch Road

A couple miles along, we came upon Boss Ranch Road. We found an unlocked gate there, so we decided to cross teh highway. It was a good decision. Just after we closed the gate, two USBP agents, pulling a horse trailer, stopped to talk. One was Joel Tanner, whom we met at the border (he was one of the two who stopped by our camp on Day One), and the other was Cody Winn. Cody was able to give us some instruction on the best trail for us to get up into Rucker Canyon. We took his advice and ended up in Half Moon Valley to camp.

We passed Boss Ranch and got permission to cross his range. He wasn’t happy about it at first, but warmed up to us after a few minutes (he was concerned about our stock transmitting disease to his stock. After I assured him we had current health certificates and were not from the area, he relaxed a bit and gave us permission to pass).

Clancy kept up well and showed no foot soreness. I put booties on him as we left the ranch, but they seemed to bother him, so I removed them. Turned out he never needed them. Once we got camp set up and laid our beds out, Clancy settled down right between us and never moved again the rest of the night.

Camp at Half Moon Valley
Camp at Half Moon Valley

Dad slept like a log, but I had a lump right under my back that made it hard to sleep. I decided that I’ll take my heavier sleeping bag once we get to Eagar. I didn’t get cold, but cool enough to keep me awake at times.

All the horses are well. No sore feet, no sore backs. Our gear is performing well. The DeLorme Explorer is posting to our website as it should.

My Phillips Formfitter pack saddles are doing well, but you really have to make sure the manties are packed well and are exactly the same weight and loaded exactly the same way, or the saddle will turn. We had to re-set Daisy’s saddle, packed with 100 pounds of feed each side, four times yesterday. It turned on her three times. Luckily, she was calm and did not react. We also had to re-set Ranger’s, packed with 50 pounds of feed each side twice, but his didn’t turn, just started leaning. I don’t think that would be such a problem if the saddle bars were fixed, rather than able to swivel. However, the value is in that they can adjust to the horse’s back – so they fit about any conformation – and they move as the horse moves. We have had no sore backs even with heavy loads. (Note: we found later that the Phillips Formfitter saddles were turning due to the extra saddle pad we had put under them. Once we removed the extra pad, they stopped moving on the horses’ back. The problem was not the saddles, but that we had over-padded them.)

My solar panels set out to charge my iphone
My solar panels set out to charge my iphone

The GoalZero solar chargers work well. We have been setting them up to charge in the mornings. I have been afraid to mount them on the pack horses for fear of losing or breaking them (our original thought was to mount them on top of the packs on the pack horses, so that they were charging our gear throughout the day, but we had been passing through some pretty dense thickets and it seemed unwise to try it).

I have been using the GoPro Hero 4 Silver camera to record portions of our ride, but have only used the hand-held extension (selfy staff) as a mount. I don’t see the value in mounting it on my head or chest, because we wouldn’t get anything but what’s ahead of me and nothing of ourselves or pack train. I have resisted the temptation to mount it on a pack saddle for the same reason as the solar panels. maybe later on, when we are better settled on the trail.

Had some cell coverage yesterday. Joshua [Jensen] said he and Al [Smith] will meet us Wednesday, rather than Tuesday, so he can get better prepared. That will give us a rest day tomorrow. Today I think we will only need to make about ten miles or less, so it shouldn’t be a tough day. Hope not, anyway.

Day Four coming up.

(End of journal entry)

Again, I had lost track of the days. This was written on the morning of Tuesday, April 14. Joshua and Al met us in Rucker Canyon the following evening.

Just for interest, those of you who are readers of Louis L’Amour western novels (as my dad and I are) will recognize some of the names of places we passed through during this portion of the trip from the novel, High Lonesome. We camped in Half Moon Valley on Monday night and passed through High Lonesome Canyon the following day, drawing water for our canteens from the creek that flows through it. You’ll see some videos of that area with my next post.

I failed to mention a couple things that happened during that day that were significant to us. The route from the Bar-M to I-80 was cross-country. There was no road that went the direction we needed. We just headed out across the low, rolling hills. Being ranch land, fences are a fact of life. Most of the fences we came across were old enough that we were able to find places where they were down, where we crossed. One fence we crossed under in a dry creek bed, where we were able to lift the wires high enough for the horses to pass under. Others we took down, passed over, then repaired the fence. We took with us fencing tools and several bags of fence clips. We always made sure to leave the fence in better condition than we found it in. Each time we had to cross a fence it cost us 15-20 minutes and brought with it the risk of the horses getting tangled up with each other and in the fence. It also meant Dad and I had to dismount and remount, tie the horses, keep them from getting tangled up, and work on the fence. Being a couple old farts, that was significant additional labor to us, what with our heavy chaps and all. Crossing fences was a real headache.

I mentioned that we passed through thickets of mesquite and catclaw. Catclaw is commonly known as “wait-a-minute” bush. It grows about four to six feet tall and is covered in thorns that look exactly like cat claws. The horses’ coat offers some protection for them, but even they try to avoid the stuff. For us, the thorns grab, then break off in the skin, which then gets infected like a sliver. We were both very grateful for our heavy batwing chaps. The mesquite thickets are just as bad, except that they grow much taller than the catclaw. The mesquites had needle-sharp thorns about two inches long. I even had a couple of these penetrate my chaps. We saved some of these for tooth picks. Pushing our way through some of these thickets, too large to go around,  was tough work. We stayed to stream beds (called “washes” to westerners) as much as we could, when they headed the right direction, but even that was tough going.

Here’s a short video of the area south of I-80. Here’s one of the area north of I-80 , on Boss Ranch Road, heading into the Chiricahuas.

Most of the land down there where we were crossing is volcanic. Even where the land is relatively flat, it is very tough on the horses, due to the fist-sized volcanic rocks that cover the ground. It wasn’t so bad once we got into the Chiricahuas, but we were lucky to get past those first two days of travel without laming a horse.

Stay tuned for more.




Entries from my Journal, April 11, 2015

As I typed up my last blog post, about the first day on the trail for Dad and me, I read through my journal entries for that day. It was pretty amazing. While I easily recall all the things that happened that day, my memory of many of the small things and the emotions attached to them has faded a bit. Reading my journal entries for that day really took me back. I thought it might be worthwhile to make a post of my actual journal entries for that day. Maybe some of you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Saturday, 11 April, 2015 :

Saturday – About 10 miles north of the US/Mex border (written after we reached the Bar-M ranch Saturday evening).

The trip down [from Eagar, AZ to the US/Mexico border] yesterday was uneventful. The horses [in the pasture] met us in the morning and pretty much put their heads into the halters. We had the trailer loaded with all our [horses and] gear and ready to roll by 10:30am.

Aaron (nephew), Kelly (brother-in-law), and Tina (my sister) rode with me. Dad rode with Jean and Dick (Dad’s best friends, who helped haul us to the border). We arrived and made camp about 19 miles east of Douglas, AZ, right at the Mormon Battalion Monument, about 300 yards from the fence marking the US/Mexico border. Dick and Jean dropped the horses off and left. Aaron, Kelly, and Tina got a hotel in Douglas and drove my truck. Dad and I slept in the trailer.

This morning Dad and I got up around 7:00am and started packing up. Aaron, Tina, and Kelly, and little Paxson (my grand-nephew), returned and brought us breakfast about 9:00am. We watered the horses out of a 65 gallon drum we had in the bed of my truck. We got packed and were on our way about 11:00am.

We had some minor trouble with the horses as we got started, but things got better throughout the day. The mustang, Jimbo, is a solid horse, but he has an extremely high and quick flight response. He broke away from us five or six times, but always came back. We ended up having to re-pack him a couple times.

Our first experience with Decker-style packing was successful. I like it because of its versatility, but so far, I think panier packing – or crossbuck style – is easier.  We packed 200 lbs of alfalfa pellets – Equidine – on Ranger and on Daisy (the borrowed mare) and about 130 lbs of gear on Honey (the mule) and Jimbo (the mustang). They all carried their loads well and showed no tender backs this evening.

The mare, Daisy, is giving us a lot of trouble. She is extremely “mare-ish” and causes a lot of disruption with the other horses. She is pretty ornery and disrespectful to us as well. We have had to discipline her aggressively several times. She has been so ornery this evening that we had to separate her from the other horses, for fear one of them might get injured tonight.

Jimbo is very skittish, but is improving quickly. Dad and I both think he’ll be our best horse by the time this ride is over.

Ranger was packed heavy today. He caused no trouble at all, except that he likes to come up to see me at the front when we stop, and gets tangled up.

I rode Lizzy today and she did very well. She still needs a lot of work, but she’s coming along. She was leading the way and had us going 6.2 miles per hour at one point. Our average speed was 3.4 miles per hour [for the day], not counting our stops and breaks.

Black seems to be doing ok, but I worry about him. He’s a small horse with a heavy load.

Honey is the same as always. Gets into trouble, won’t stay still when you need her to, causes trouble with the other horses. Dad has a real bond with Honey, but I could do without her. She carries her load well, but she’s a pain in the keester.

Clancy (my Blue Heeler dog) started getting tender today about three hours into the ride. I put some booties I made for him on his front paws, and it seemed to help. He is very sore and tired tonight. I’m worried he may not make the trip and wondering what to do about it. I hope he recovers quickly and his feet toughen up.

Dad and I did ok. Dad went down a couple times fighting horses, but is ok.

Things got easier as the day went, though. We changed up our horse strings and that helped. We started the day with me riding Lizzy, as I said, leading Daisy and Ranger. Dad started riding Black, leading Honey and Jimbo. I’m not sure what was happening, but Jimbo kept breaking loose. I think Honey was being an “ass” to him and causing him to bolt. Finally, after having to repack Jimbo the second time, we changed to me leading Jimbo with Ranger trailing. Ranger is so steady he will follow any of them without a problem. Dad ended the day leading Daisy, with Honey trailing. That configuration went smoothly. We may continue with that tomorrow.

This evening, at a bit after 5:00pm, with about 9-1/2 miles behind us, we came upon a ranch house. We decided to stop and see if we could water the horses and fill our canteens. We planned to then go on a mile or so, before making camp. The people at the ranch, Aracely and Jesus, not only gave us water, but invited us for dinner, provided us a corral, and let us stay in the bunkhouse. It was all perfect timing, because a windstorm came up as we were unpacking the horses. We had a lot of trouble unloading all the horses, but Lizzy and Jimbo.

I am starting to bond with Ranger. He comes to me now, and follows me around. It’s mostly because I feed him, I know, but it’s nice. I’m enjoying riding Lizzy. because I love the way she moves-out with enthusiasm – ears up and covering ground fast. I have to hold her back, so the other horses don’t have to trot to keep up.

So far, we have found cattle watering tanks every several miles, but our canteens went dry about mile 6.6. We need to carry more water that is accessible while riding. Most of our canteens got packed in paniers this morning.

Dad and I are tired this evening, but happy. We expect that things will get easier as we go, and as we start to develop a routine. Hope so.


Day One – Mexico-to-Canada – The Chronicles!

Ok. Finally. I’m going to do it.

I still haven’t finished going through all the video footage. I still haven’t learned how to trim, edit, and finish the videos with the software I have. I still don’t have all the photographs organized…But I’m just going to get started. Blow by blow, I’m going to lay out for my readers the first leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip.

Last April, I packed up my rig here in Salem, Utah with all the gear I had spent so many months, even years, assembling and preparing, along with two horses of my own and a borrowed mare, and headed south toward Arizona. Health certificates were all in place, plans all laid, and the trip had finally begun.

I arrived in Eagar, Arizona on Thursday, April 2, 2015, after a long, 11 hours of driving. Upon arrival, I let the horses out on my place there in Eagar. They really stretched their legs on the 20 acres and looked like they enjoyed the freedom, after the long ride in the trailer. See the video.

Dad and I spent the following week doing work on the place, getting it ready to hold the horses. Dad had spent the previous week building a corral and putting up fence. He even got Mom out there helping place fence posts! He and I finished up stretching the barbed wire. We also got water connected from the city and installed a spigot for the trough. We made a few purchases of last-minute stuff. We also made a trip down to Safford, AZ to sort of scout the route we intended to ride and to meet Joshua Jensen and Al Smith, whom we had invited to ride with us through the Chiricahua Mountains. Lucky thing we did that, because we were able to set up with Josh a means of resupplying ourselves with horse feed during the trip. During the week I made contact with the US Border Patrol supervisor at Douglas, Arizona to let them know what we were doing and when we’d be in their district. She was a great help in getting permission from the local ranchers for us to pass through their range.

Dad had acquired a new horse for me during the previous week, as we were still one horse short. It was a 6 year-old mustang named Jimbo. He was given to us for free. The story was that the owner had gotten tired of trying to catch him up every time he wanted to ride. Seems the horse was hard to catch. The owner decided to give him away. We took him, because we were desperate, despite the visions I kept having of this little mustang galloping over the hills in the distance with our packs on his back. Turned out it was one of the best decisions we ever made. I talked about him a bit in a previous post, so I won’t go into our acquisition of him here.

Heading for the border
Heading for the border

We had to move our departure back a couple days, in order to meet the schedules of our drivers, who would take us to the US/Mexico border and drop us off. As things worked out, that was also a blessing in disguise, as you will see.


We loaded up five horses and Honey the mule and departed Eagar on Friday, April 10. We arrived at Douglas, Arizona in the afternoon the same day, after a six-hour drive. We then headed about 19 miles east on Geronimo Road, a dirt road, to end up about a mile west of the San Bernardino National Wildlife Preserve, and about 100 yards north of the Mexican border.

Camped at the border
Camped at the border

Our drivers then dropped Dad and me off, helped us set up a rudimentary camp, and headed for a hotel in Douglas. They returned the following morning to help us get packed up and see us off on the great adventure.

Dad and I arose on April 11, almost early enough to see the sun come up and started the ball rolling. We fed and watered the horses and started pulling out all our gear and laying it out for packing. We did our last bit of separating gear into “take-this” and “don’t-take-that” piles and then moving things to separate piles for each pack horse. Even though we had practiced and worked on learning how to “manty-up” packs for our Decker pack saddles, it was still a learning experience as we started doing it for real. Even with the help of my brother-in-law, Kelly, and his son, Aaron, it still took us most of the morning to get packed up. We had a pair of US Border Patrol Agents drop by to visit for a few minutes. They were going to ride with us for a ways, but got called away at the last minute.

We packed up the pack animals first, making sure each pack was well-balanced. Two of our pack animals were carrying 200 pounds each of Equidyne Alfalfa Pellets, to supplement our horse feed while we passed through the dry, nearly grassless desert of southern Arizona.  We didn’t worry too much about that, though, as we would be feeding about 120 pounds of the feed per day. I had purchased four new canvas/mohair pack saddle pads for the trip, to protect the backs of our stock, but looking at them as we packed, Dad and I decided to add a regular saddle pad to each pack animal’s back on top of the new pad. It just seemed to be a good idea to give their backs extra protection. This turned out to be a mistake, which I’ll address in a later post.

Right there at the US/Mexico border fence
Right there at the US/Mexico border fence

We finally got mounted up and ready to go by about 10:30am. We rode the 100 or so yards to the border fence and took some photos for posterity. It was quite a feeling to be standing there with our horses tied to the US/Mexico border fence, ready to begin this journey we’d been thinking about and planning for so long. It was hard to believe.

Starting at the Mormon Battalion Monument
Starting at the Mormon Battalion Monument

I started out riding Lizzy, my coming-four-year-old Missouri Fox Trotter mare. She was green-broke at the time, but easy to handle. She loves to lead out, so it was a good choice for keeping the rest of the horses moving and strung out. I was leading Daisy, our borrowed Quarter Horse mare and my Fox Trotter gelding, Ranger. Dad started out on his little Quarter Horse, Black, who is a grandson of Doc O’Lena, leading our mule, Honey, with our spooky mustang, Jimbo, bringing up the rear.

As we started, we took the opportunity for a few photos at the nearby Mormon Battalion Monument, before heading out. I have to say, even nearly a year later, that was a very exciting time for Dad and me, particularly as we turned from the dirt road and headed up Silver Creek Wash. We were now making tracks on the ground that looked just like those that might have been made over a hundred-fifty years ago over that same ground.

Heading down the road
Heading down the road

We headed northward, following the wash, generally, for maybe half-a-mile or so, before finding the wash bottom so rocky in places and so deep in sand in others, that it seemed to be making the horses work hard. We left the sandy wash and tried the low rolling hills, as we followed alongside the wash, which was our guide to Indian Creek Wash. The latter would take us on toward the Chiricahua Mountains. We quickly returned to the wash, however, as we discovered the mesquite thickets were impossibly thick and tough to pass through. After a couple more miles we came upon a ranch road, just a two-track that showed no used in a long while, which took us on northward.

Purple flowers along the trail
Purple flowers along the trail

As we passed through the desert, we were surprised at the brilliant colors of the tiny little flowers along the trail, purple, blue, yellow, white, it was quite beautiful. The photographs just don’t do justice to the brilliant little flowers. We also found a lot of “Loco Weed”, a noxious weed cattle sometimes become addicted to, when other feed is scarce, that eventually causes them to lose their senses and can be fatal.

On the trail about 5 miles into the trip
On the trail about 5 miles into the trip

During the first few miles on the trail, we had some trouble with the pack horses. While it didn’t take long for them to begin to settle into the trail routine, we found our Decker pack saddles kept sliding to one side, even though we had meticulously weighed each pack and balanced the load. I had ordered the saddles with single, rather than the double, cinchas, and now I was regretting it. We had to stop and resettle the packs on the QH mare and my FT gelding several times within the first three miles or so.

Each time we had to stop, something would happen that would spook our mustang, causing him to pull away and break the pigtail that tied him to the Honey, our mule. The spooky mustang would then trot around and stay just out of reach until one of us would get lucky and snag his lead rope. We went through this routine five or six times in the first five miles or so. We also had to resettle his pack a couple times. At least he didn’t leave us and head off across the hills, like I had imagined. It didn’t take the pack horses long to realize they could easily break free by giving a good, sharp tug on the lead rope, breaking the 1/4″ hemp pigtail. Still, we stubbornly stuck with the pigtails, preferring that the little mustang break free than pull Honey over or break her pack saddle rigging. Still, each time, we would catch the mustang, reattach all our pack animals, and get back on the road. After several of these frustrating episodes, we realized that the solution to the problem was to lead the mustang and put my gelding behind him. After that, we had fewer break-away issues with Jimbo that day.

Our first watering stop
Our first watering stop

About five or six miles into the trip, we started watching for any indication of water for the horses. Our Delorme InReach Explorer GPS, combined with our USFS maps were pretty accurate in showing us where the water troughs and windmills were located, however, we had no idea whether any of these actually had water. In doing my planning, I had located water holes along the route about every five to ten miles and planned the travel accordingly. It was critical that we find water at least twice per day for the horses. What a relief it was to come to our first water hole and find it was a well-maintained and the water was clear. In fact, there were trees and shade as well. We stopped and took our lunch break there…about 3:00pm or so.

Here’s a video I took at the five-mile mark of the trip.

By this time, Dad and I were getting tired. We had both struggled with the horses, but Dad, at 80, had gone down a couple times after getting bowled over by moving horses. He was ok, but it was pretty scary for me. The horses were still sorting out their pecking order, and our borrowed QH mare, Daisy, came in season due to the stress. She was the worst of the bunch. She missed no opportunity to bite, bump, or otherwise attack, the other horses. Additionally, she was disrespectful to Dad and me, causing us to have to severely discipline her a time or two, before she learned that it was not wise to push us too far. In the days that followed, we began wishing we had not brought her. Additionally, our mule, Honey, normally the bottom of the pecking order, discovered she could buffalo our spooky mustang, Jimbo. She pushed it to the limit, which was what was causing him to break away. Eventually, after a few days on the trail, my FT mare took over as the Queen Bee of the group and things settled down a bit.

During our break, dad tied Jimbo to a metal pipe under an old windmill. It didn’t take long before Jimbo had tangled himself up and was getting upset. As he moved around, he dragged his pack under a piece of barbed wire that was just high enough for him to get under and rip the plastic tarp covering his pack to pieces. That was going to be our rain fly! Oh well. This is Arizona, right? Took us a while, but we got him untangled with no injuries to anybody or any horse.

After about an hour we mounted and headed back out on the trail. We followed the GPS map and found another ranch two-track that got us headed toward the juncture of Silver Creek and Indian Creek, hoping to find a decent campsite with water somewhere in that area. A few miles further on, as we began watching a storm gather on the western horizon, we came upon a small ranch. There was a house, barns, corrals, and some horses and cattle. We didn’t intend to stop there, thinking that we would try to make a few more miles before making camp, but we thought we’d stop by and see if they would mind us watering the horses and filling our canteens from their water.

In the corral at the Bar-M Ranch
In the corral at the Bar-M Ranch

I dismounted at their gate and walked to the house. I knocked and was greeted by a young Hispanic woman. I told her Dad and I were on a long horse pack trip and asked if we might water our horses and fill our canteens from their water hose. She invited us to do so, while looking at us like she was trying to figure out just why we were there. About that time her husband came out of the house and it was apparent he did not speak English. I simply broke into my fluent Spanish and started a conversation. The ice immediately broke and we were not only invited to water our stock, but to join them for dinner!

Jesus led Dad and me to a corral, where he helped us unload the horses. As we were doing so, a strong windstorm blew in, causing us problems with the horses as the wind made the barn panels rattle and bang. We had a particularly tough time with the QH mare, which by now we had nicknamed “that stupid mare”. Jesus let us put up our horses in a corral with a nice water trough, and we got them fed.  We separated “that stupid mare” and put her in a separate corral to ensure she would not injure any of the other horses during the night.

After taking care of the horses, I asked Jesus if he would mind if we threw out our sleeping bags in the barn for the night. He looked surprised and asked us to follow him. He led us to a bunk house with beds, a stove, bathroom, and shower…and hot water! Just what the doctor ordered for the first night of our big adventure. We washed up a little and headed up to the house for a wonderful shrimp taco dinner and excellent conversation.

Ahhh! Our first night, courtesy of Jesus and Aracely at the Bar-M
Ahhh! Our first night, courtesy of Jesus and Aracely at the Bar-M

In our beds, we slept quite well that first night, as the storm wailed outside. We had made only 10 miles. Not many miles, but we learned a lot that first day.

As this was Saturday night, we expected to take a rest day on Sunday, so we figured we’d just take our leave of Jesus and Aracely in the morning, go a few miles, find a decent place to stop, set up camp for Sunday, and take our rest. That’s not quite how things worked out.

Stay tuned for the next installment: Day Two.


Making and Breaking Camp On the First Leg of Our Mexico-to-Canada Horse Pack Trip

As I was looking through the video footage of last year’s first leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip, I found a video we did, documenting our process of making camp one evening. It was Day Four of the trip and we had only been able to make 10.5 miles that day, due to rough terrain and having to do a couple miles of bushwhacking to make our way from one trail to another, where there was no connecting trail. This was in the foothills of the Chiricahua Mountains, southwest of Texas Canyon Road. It was rough country and slow going.

By the time we made camp that day, we were bushed and so were the horses. We had come across a nice pond about a quarter mile back, so the horses were well-watered. Dad and I still had plenty of water in our canteens, so a dry camp didn’t bother us.  The terrain was pretty rough, so we settled on a small knoll with enough flat area for a comfortable bed for us, a little grass for the horses…and some cholla cactus we had to watch out for. This was a lucky spot for us. We found a small gun-cleaning kit and an insulated vest someone before us had left. That vest was lucky for me, because I had lost my heavy coat earlier in the day during a mishap (story for another post) and that vest proved to be a real blessing to me later on in the trip.

Those of you who are readers of Louis L’Amour western novels, as Dad and I are, will recognize the names of some of the places we passed through that day from the novel High Lonesome. We spent the previous night camped in Half Moon Valley. We bushwacked our way through High Lonesome Canyon, passed by High Lonesome Spring, filled our canteens in the stream, made our way past some old mining prospects, and on over to Texas Canyon Road.

Half Moon Valley, looking north
Half Moon Valley, looking north

We found that over the first week or so of the trip, we developed a division of labor to maximize the use of our time, whether we were packing up to depart camp, or just ending the day at a likely looking camp site. Not that any assignments were made, we just sort of fell to doing whatever there was to be done and sort of developed a system that worked.

Every morning we rolled out of bed about 5:15am, except Sundays (our rest day). After handling our morning ablutions (which did not include shaving), Dad would start cooking breakfast. While it was heating, we would feed the horses and lay out our beds to air out. By that time breakfast would be ready and we would eat. We would then start packing our beds and gear. I would pack up four manties, ensuring they were within about two or three pounds of each other in weight. They contained things like horse feed (80-pound bags of Equidine pellets), sleeping bags, and some odds and ends. Dad would normally pack up the two sets of paniers and start saddling pack animals. In the paniers went things like food, clothes, cooking utensils, first-aid kit, etc.

Once I had the manties ready I would pitch in on the saddling. Once we had all four pack animals saddled and ready, we would begin loading manties onto the Decker pack saddles. It normally took both of us. Then we would load the paniers onto the crossbuck pack saddles. Finally, once all four of the pack animals were ready, we would saddle our riding horses and make a final search of our camp for leftovers, leaving our camps clean and as little disturbed as possible…with five horses and a mule. No matter how we tried, or what adjustments we made, we never made it out of camp before 9:00am. There was one day we thought we were going to get off by 8:45am, but then a fellow traveler stopped by camp and we talked for a half-hour. Oh well, it was worth the delay.

Every evening, we would select a likely camp site. We would look for enough flat area for a bed, no more than a gentle slope for the horses to be kept on, and water. We didn’t necessarily camp right at the water, but we looked for a water source we could easily access, where we could water the horses evening and morning and refill our canteens. Most of the way we found water holes or stock troughs every five miles or so. The longest we went without water was about ten miles, between the Chiricahuas and San Simon. However, we learned by sad experience that we needed clean water for our canteens, even though we had a good filter, for the very expensive filters clog easily. We were normally successful in finding a running creek or a running well at a stock tank every day or so for that.

After selecting our camp site,  we would unload the pack horses, starting with the one packed the heaviest. Each horse would then be allowed to roam free to graze or be tied to a tree, while we continued with the other horses. Finally, we would unsaddle the riding horses. All our gear would be placed in a pile, configured such that we could access the items we would need for camp. The pile was a defensive measure against weather, so that we could cover our gear in case of rain. We always covered our gear, but we were especially careful when we expected rain. From there we would begin unpacking the manties and paniers, so we could feed and brush the horses.

Our bedding, perfect for viewing the stars
Our bedding, perfect for viewing the stars

Once the horses were fed and cared-for, we would begin unpacking our gear for the evening. Dad would dig the food and cooking gear out of the paniers, while I began the process of laying out the beds.  We took no tent, preferring to sleep out under the stars. For a ground sheet we used one of the manty tarps, made of about 15 ounce canvas. On top of that I would toss our sleeping bags, clothing bags, coats, air mattresses, and personal “doc kits” on top of the ground sheet.

By that time Dad usually had our meal ready – we had a choice of re-hydrated vegetable stew or creamed corn (both got pretty old after a month), so we would sit and eat and rest for a few minutes. We seldom had sufficient energy left for a camp fire, so after dinner we would spend a couple minutes blowing up our air mattresses, rolling out our sleeping bags, and crawling into them. We would pull another canvas manty tarp over our beds to guard against dew and rain.

After a few words between father and son about the enjoyment of the day, we would drift off to sleep.

Watch the video.. It’s long and boring, but it is reality. This is what we did.

Posted a couple new videos to my youtube channel…

I just posted a couple new videos to my youtube channel (it’s under “Tony Henrie”).

The first is a blurb about our experience on the trail with regard to horse packing with both Decker-style pack saddles and manties and with the traditional crossbuck pack saddles and paniers, sometimes called Utah Paniers.

We found manties to be more versatile when packing odd-shaped items or a lot of odds and ends, but we found them to be a lot of extra work in comparison to using paniers. Our choice for the style of packing we do:  Paniers and crossbucks.  Our Decker pack saddles are configured to use either paniers or manties.

The video was taken about 19 days into the trip. We were near the Double-C Ranch, south of Clifton, Arizona in an area they call the Black Hills.

Link:  https://youtu.be/bScARJuW-zc

The second video is a short view of a steep portion of the Crest Trail in the Chiricahua Mountains, coming down through the Painted Rock passage. The video really doesn’t give much of a true perspective on just how steep that section of trail was. Keep an eye on how short the switchbacks are. The grandeur of the view off both sides of the Chiricahuas from the range’s own backbone was really something to see. I had to take the video with my iphone6, because my GoPro Silver ran out of battery about ten minutes before we descended this section.

This was about Day-6 of our trip. Many thanks to our guides, Joshua Jensen and Al Smith. We never would have made it through the Chiricahuas without their help.

Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQOxxNXNplQ

I have been reviewing and preparing to edit the all the video footage from our trip. This is not going to be an easy project. I expect it will be easier once I figure the software out. I’m also finding it hard to edit the videos. I just want to watch it all!  Even the slow, boring parts hold meaning and excitement for me. Don’t worry. I’ll cut them down to a reasonable size and still catch all the best parts.

Stay tuned.

Happy New Year 2016!!

I spent some time yesterday with my journal, reviewing the past year. It has been a productive year for me. During 2015 I realized a number of personal accomplishments and goals that have opened a number of opportunities to me. I’ll list some of them.

  • I became an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor (NRA Basic Pistol)
  • I became a Utah state certified Concealed Firearm Permit Instructor
  • I became a licensed Armed Private Security Officer in the State of Utah
  • I became a certified PACSCO instructor for training Unarmed and Armed Private Security Officers for licensing in the State of Utah
  • I became the Director of Training for Bedrock Protection Agency
  • I obtained a Private Investigator Agency License in the State of Utah
  • I became the Private Investigator Agency Licensee for Bedrock Investigations
  • I started Mountain Enterprises, LLC, registered in both Utah and Arizona, to be the parent company for my business enterprises
  • I started Guardian Personal Firearms Training, as a firearms training business for the Utah Concealed Firearm Permit courses and other defensive firearms training for private security officers, individuals, and families
  • I registered Western Trail Rider as a business under Mountain Enterprises, LLC
  • I made and sold my first three pairs of chaps
  • I started improvements on my property in Arizona with an eye toward hay production in the future
  • I finished outfitting and preparations for the Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip for Dad and me
  • Dad and I made the first leg of our M-T-C trip, from the US/Mexico border to Eagar, AZ – 355 miles in 28 days.
  • The most important thing of all, is that my wife and I saw our youngest daughter off to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). She’ll be serving for 18 months in the Argentina-Mendoza mission.

Suffice it to say, I have been very busy this year. I expect to be even busier this coming year. I have always been very goal-oriented. Keeping a journal has helped me in accomplishing my goals and fulfilling my dreams and desires. Documenting my goals and writing about my victories and failures helps me keep track of my progress…or lack thereof, during the year. Just like everyone else, I make a lot of goals and have a lot of dreams, most of which fall by the wayside each year. Not that they go away, but that either the opportunity did not materialize or I failed to put forth the necessary effort to realize them. As I have aged, I have seen a lot of my dreams come to naught and many of my former desires I no longer wish for. And, surprisingly, a few new desires crop up here and there. Still, looking back through my journals it is plain to see that I have a few interests, dreams, and desires that have persisted throughout my life. These are the ones I have begun to focus on since I retired from government service several years ago. One of these is my love for horses and horse packing. Another is my desire to have a small farm or ranch.

The most important things in my life have always been God and family, yet I often find myself selfishly putting other things before them. As the scriptures tell us, one cannot serve God and Mammon (or worldliness) at the same time. Over the past several years, this has been on my mind a lot. How can I serve God and also support my family and myself? Are my desires and dreams incompatible with service to God? I don’t think so.

I have come to the conclusion that God intends for us to be happy in this life. That doesn’t mean life is intended to be easy, but that we are intended to have joy in this life by making the most of what the Lord gives us to work with. I believe God loves us. I believe He knows “the end from the beginning” – that He knows all things past, present, and future. I believe all things are under His control and in His power. I believe also, that God gave us our Free Will, and that he does not dictate our actions. We have the ability to choose our way and make our own decisions. It follows, then, that whatever opportunities and challenges come to me, ruling out problems I bring upon myself through my own mistakes and unwise choices, are, in fact, given me of God. Which opportunities I choose to follow and how I choose to respond to challenges is my God-given prerogative. My improvement of those opportunities and challenges, therefore, is my service to God. Giving my best effort in all things good pleases God. This is what I believe.

I also believe that as I please God by giving my best effort to improve what he has given me, He will increase my opportunities as my ability to improve them increases. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think God cares much about whether I make a lot of money in this life. I do believe, however, that improving the opportunities He provides me can result in monetary success as well as spiritual growth. My desire and efforts should be in good service, and let the chips fall where they may.

God has been good to me.

I have but one New Year’s resolution this year and that is to put forth a better effort in everything I do. I want to be more efficient and effective in the use of my time in all aspects of my life. That means I will put forth better effort in my employment, in developing my business prospects, in keeping up my website and blogs, in keeping up my family and church responsibilities, and in improving my own health and personal conditioning. By doing this, I expect that the opportunities I have been blessed with in the past several years will begin to bear fruit in the coming year and going forward. I believe this will be pleasing to my Lord.

Some things I hope to accomplish during 2016 are:

  • First and foremost, to see that my daughter is supported to the best of my ability on her mission
  • Secondly, to see that Dad and I make the second leg of our Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip

After those two:

  • Put in10 acres alfalfa on the place in Eagar
    • Get the well repaired and functional
    • Get irrigation established
    • Improve fencing
    • Get a barn put up for hay and tack storage
    • Buy 4 calves to start on the place
  • Get regular firearms training classes scheduled and working in Utah and Arizona
    • Get more NRA Instructor certifications (work toward becoming an NRA Instructor Counselor)
    • Design and offer advanced defensive firearms courses
  • Improve the Western Trail Rider website
    • Take and document at least 3 horse pack trips during the year, other than the M-T-C ride
    • Completely document the M-T-C ride and all preparations with my blogs, video, and photographs, product reviews, etc
    • Recruit/approve at least 6 individuals to keep blogs under Western Trail Rider
    • Increase follower and subscribership on Western Trail Rider to 1,000 and views/clicks to 300 per day
    • Create a way that outfitters and suppliers can advertise their services and products on the website that will improve their exposure and help the website

So, there it is. That’s my list of things I wish to accomplish over the coming year. There are a few other personal and employment goals, but I’ll keep those in my personal journal.

Good luck with your goals and planning for the coming year and have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Welcome 2016!

For horse and mule packing, camping, and trail riding in the western United States
