Category Archives: Good trails

Horse Packing and Fishing in the Jim Bridger Wilderness, Wyoming

A couple years ago, a very good friend invited me to go with him and some of his buddies on a fishing trip into the Jim Bridger Wilderness area in the Wind Rivers mountain range of Wyoming. I just could not get together with them until this past August (2019). I finally was able to get some time squared away to help them put the trip together and it was well worth the effort!

As it finally worked out, we decided to take four horses, three under saddle and a pack horse. As we were going to be out one week with one pack horse, we had to plan with weight and bulk in mind.  Freeze dried meals and fire-baked fish (hopefully) were on the menu. The three riders, Sterling Beus, Roger Toronto, and myself, would horse pack in, while a couple others, Bob and Dean Bauer, father and son, would have an outfitter take them in and drop them off. Another of Bob’s sons, Paul, was to meet us up there later.

Bob was actually the instigator of this whole thing. You see, he’s been packing into the Wind Rivers to fish for more than forty years. He’s now 86 years old and still backpacking in. For this trip he and Dean decided they’d have a local outfitter take them in on horses and drop them off. Many thanks to Bob for graciously inviting the rest of us along to enjoy this trip.

Now, to camp in the Jim Bridger, it is required that you apply for a backcountry camp permit, which is free of charge. I called the ranger district office at Pinedale and found the rangers to be very helpful. I got the permit filled out and submitted online and it was approved with no problems. In filling out the application, you must indicate how many are in your party, how many horses, and where you plan to camp each night. There are some simple regulations, same as all designated wilderness areas, that regulate how close to the trail and to water sources you may make camp. The application allows the rangers to manage areas, so that they don’t suffer from overuse. If an area seems to be getting too much traffic, they will change your designated camp area on the permit. The permit must be kept with you at all times and must be presented to rangers if asked.

Our plan was to go in on Monday morning and make our way about 17 miles into the mountains to Lake Victor, where we would stay for a couple days, then move down to North Fork Lake for a day, then on down to Lake Ethel for our last night, before returning to the trailhead. The rangers informed us that there was no appropriate area to camp with horses at Lake Ethel and suggested we move a couple miles to Ed’s Lake, were we would find better areas to camp with our stock. We accepted that and adjusted our plans accordingly.

When we arrived at Pinedale on Sunday evening, where we met Bod and Dean. We discovered that a nearby fire had required closure of the USFS road that leads to the trailhead at the foot of Boulder Canyon. After speaking with the Sheriff’s Deputy at the road block, and understanding the road would likely be opened with a couple hours, we decided to wait.

Sure enough, just after dark we were allowed to drive on down to the parking area at the trailhead. There is an area for horses that has a corral and a parking area sufficient for trailer rigs, however, that area is normally used by the outfitters. We chose to drive a little further to the large field, where hikers and campers usually park. There was plenty of room for my truck and four-horse trailer and room to leave the horses tied to the trailer overnight. Boulder Creek is nearby and easily accessed to water the horses.

The following morning we discovered that the outfitter who was going to pack in the Bauers had decided not to bring their stock to the trailhead, citing fire danger. We were quite disgusted, because the small brushfire had been extinguished the day before and had not even come within several miles of the trailhead to begin with. It was apparent the outfitter just didn’t follow through on his commitment.

So, change of plans. We decided Bob and Dean would hike as far as they could and we would return and pack them on in to our first day’s campsite.

Well, that certainly changed our campsite plans. We decided to just do what we had to do and take the consequences, if any, despite the details on our permit (Bob assured us that in forty years he’s never seen a ranger up there). Sterling, Roger, and I got packed up and were heading up the trail by about noon on our horses, for the 7-mile trip up to Lake Ethel. We were riding Tennessee Walkers, with a Missouri Fox Trotter as a pack horse, so we moved along pretty quickly for the first several miles. Not far up the trail, however, the condition of the trail deteriorated to pretty poor condition, so we slowed our gait to spare the horses.

We made it in to Lake Ethel by about 2:30pm, where I left Sterling and Jim and returned down the trail with the horses in tow to retrieve our hiker buddies. I found them about 3.5 miles back. We loaded their backpacks onto the pack horse and headed back up to Lake Ethel. We made it by about 5pm. By the time I unsaddled, I had ridden 14 miles, and made a total elevation change of over 2,700 feet – twice! Our camp was at about 8,700 feet elevation.

Now, I know the rangers told us we would not find good camping areas at Lake Ethel, but it was apparent they either had not been there all summer or they simply did not know what camping with horses was like, because the northern side of Lake Ethel has a large expanse of grassy fields, just perfect for horses, as well as a variety of very nice campsites with existing fire rings. Ed’s Lake, another mile or so farther up the trail, had no areas appropriate for horse camping, beside the fact that the area was covered with standing dead trees, making camping there a dangerous proposition. We made our camp for the night at Lake Ethel.

Not being able to resist, a couple of us wet our fly lines and made a few casts into the lake that evening. I hooked a beautiful little cutthroat, but it was too small to keep.

The following morning, Sterling, Roger, and I loaded up our horses and headed on up the trail toward Lake Victor and North Fork Lake. We made the 8 mile trip in about 3 hours and were settled in camp and had the horses out grazing by late afternoon. Our campsite was above 9,800 feet elevation, but the weather was nice. We decided to just take it easy for the rest of the day.

Our camp was located not far off the trail, between Lake Victor and North Fork Lake, about a half-mile from the shores of each. Again, there was plenty of grass for the horses, as well as a nice stream just down the hill from us. We let them graze freely, keeping a sharp eye out, just in case they should decide to head back down the trail. As it turned out, they were quite content to stay in the vicinity and our fears were unfounded.

Apollo, my Tennessee Walker, and Missy, the Missouri Fox Trotter, became quite a pair and stayed together throughout the trip. They would graze quite far from camp, but would return to me when I whistled for them. That is one of the things I try to train into my horses for times just like this.

The other two horses, Trigger and Bandit, Tennessee Walkers both,  were raised together, so they stayed together as well. We generally kept two horses tied and let two graze, just to be cautious. As I said, we had no trouble.

The following morning, Wednesday, we headed over to Lake Victor for a day of fishing. We made our way cross-country to the south end of the lake, which saved us more than a mile over the route the trail would have taken us. We ended up at a place that I suspect sees very little fishing pressure, to say the least.

We enjoyed our day of fishing. I must have been holding my mouth right (that’s what my grandmother always said was the secret to fishing), because I pulled in 13 nice cutthroat trout, all between about 12 and 16″. We kept several nice ones and took them home for dinner.

On Thursday morning, we decided to try our hand on North Fork Lake. We saddled the horses, letting Missy follow along free, and headed toward the lake. We first tried the northeast side of the lake, but found it unfavorable for fishing, due to a stiff breeze. We then rode around the northern end of the lake, making our own trail, crossing shallow  (some not so shallow) flats, and making our way through rocky passes, until we found the trail that leads to the southern tip of the lake.  It was enjoyable for me, as I consider challenging the horses in this way to be good training for them.  Sterling has followed me through some pretty hairy trails before, but this was Roger’s first time following me. He was quite impressed with what horses can do. I think we all enjoyed it. There is something  truly satisfying to me about trusting yourself to your horse and feeling his muscles and strength under you as he powers and picks his way through tricky trail obstacles.

At the south end of the lake, we found a nice place to tie the horses. This is where the stream leaves the lake and heads down the mountain. It is a beautiful area, but for some reason the fish were not active at all. Sterling got one strike and Jim and I got skunked. It looked like the entire lake was dead. It probably had to do with a cold front that moved into the area that day. It was quite cool, breezy, and cloudy all day. After several frustrating hours, we called it quits and headed back to camp empty-handed, although the ride offered some spectacular views and was very pleasant.

On Friday morning, we packed up and headed back down to our buddies at Lake Ethel. We made it back to our first camp by about noon.

We unpacked the horses, put them out to graze, and decided to head over to an area known as “the narrows”, where the lake narrows a bit before it drains on down the mountain. We each had a few strikes and brought in a fish or two, but it was nothing spectacular. On the other hand, Paul Bauer, who had arrived while we were up at North Fork Lake, went to his favorite spot on the other side of the lake and had a great time. I think he said he landed 22 trout in a matter of about a hour.

We enjoyed ourselves that evening. We stayed up pretty late telling “fish stories” and talking about past good times at camp and on the trail. There is nothing quite like sitting around a camp fire in the mountains with good friends.

On Saturday morning, we all headed down the mountains. The hikers, Roger, Paul, and Dean, headed down first. Bob enjoyed the ride back down on Trigger. We packed as much of the hikers’ gear on our pack horse as possible, but they each still had packs to carry. We figured we’d do the same thing we did coming in, but to our surprise, the hikers made it in to the trailhead before we could get unpacked and return for them. In fact, Roger actually beat us down! They had about a two-hour head start on us, but still, that was making tracks!

For us with the horses, our trip mileage, in and out, came to about 34 miles total, with an elevation change of more than 4,000 feet.

So, after caring for and loading the horses into the trailer, we headed into Pinedale for a very nice Mexican dinner at Los Cabos restaurant. We then said our goodbyes and headed back to Utah.

What a pleasant trip it was! I hope to be able to do it again next year.

Just a few notes for those who might wish to take horses into the area we covered:

There is plenty of room for parking and turn-around for even large rigs in the general camp area near the Boulder Canyon trail head. I would advise not using the corrals, as these are available to the public only when they are not used by the outfitters, from what I understand. Boulder Creek runs right past the general parking area, so there is water available for the horses.

The trails are, in general, in poor condition and extremely rocky. I would highly recommend steel shoes. boots would also do, but I would expect to lose one or two. I would not recommend barefoot horses on these trails. The outfitters keep deadfalls and blowdowns off the trails, though. I consider the trails appropriate for experienced horse people, or for inexperienced riders being led by experienced horse people. There are a few spots that will get their heart rate up if they are not used to it. Having said that, there was nothing a decent trail horse could not handle. There are also several wooden bridges, so make sure your horses are accustomed to crossing bridges over water.

While there are no Grizzly bears known to be in the area, there are black bears and wolves, so precautions are necessary with regard to food storage in camp.

Much of the area is quite high in elevation. This year the snow did not expose grasses until late July. This should be considered when planning for horses. By mid-August there was plenty of good grass for the horses at Lake Ethel and between Lake Victor and Mary’s Lake. While we were in shirt sleeves during our entire trip, snow storms and freezing temperatures are possible at that elevation any time of the year.

Despite the information provided by the rangers at the district office in Pinedale, there is no place to camp with horses near Ed’s Lake. Several of the smaller lakes we passed had either bug-kills or past fire kills, which leaves dead standing trees, making camping in those areas very dangerous.

As for fly fishing, we had pretty good luck with elk-hair caddis, about size 14-16, and other similar dry flies, mosquito nymphs, about size 18-20, and olive damsel fly nymphs about size 14, fished wet. Check with local fly shops before you go.




Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon National Park

I’m finally getting around to it.

Last May, Jeff Palmer and I completed another leg of the Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip my father and I started in the spring of 2015. Dad and I made two legs of the trip, starting about 19 miles west of Douglas, Arizona, with our horses actually tied to the border barriers between the United States and Mexico in April 2015, and ending at Flagstaff in May, 2016.

Dad and I stopped there at Flagstaff, at the home of a friend, Gwen Kahler, to resupply, get the horses re-shod, and to get fresh health certificates for the horses, in anticipation of a crossing of the Grand Canyon the following week.

Dad and me just north of the US/Mexico border 2015

However, Mother Nature is unpredictable and sometimes fickle, and as she would have it, northern Arizona was in the midst of a severe drought and wildfires were everywhere. In the last 20+ miles into the Flagstaff area only days before, Dad and I had come across not a single drop of water, no, not even a damp place in the earth. We had to call for help from Gwen and her husband to haul water to our camp, so we could water the horses. We had narrowly escaped one forest fire and had already been re-routed around another. We decided to call ourselves lucky and stop there at Flagstaff for a season.

The following year, my primary horse, Lizzy, was in-foal. That, along with several other unrelated factors, made it necessary to hold off another year for the next leg of the trip. During the intervening time, Dad, at age 84, was bucked off his horse and had sustained some pretty severe internal injuries. After his recovery, he let me know his horse riding days were done. He was ready to call it a great run and hang up his spurs. I have to admit that was a tough time for me. At the same time, I feel very blessed to have been able to ride the trails and mountains and valleys, and cross the streams we have crossed, horseback,  with my dad.

On the Mogollon Rim. Thanks to the Bergs for the photo

What a blessing it has been to me, and I hope to my dad as well. We have seen things and experienced things few fathers and sons will experience together.

So, as I started planning the next leg of the trip, I began to plan without Dad. Luckily, my good friend Jeff Palmer stepped up and said he wanted to give it a try with me. We began to plan for a trip of just over 100 miles, by my calculations, from Flagstaff to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park.

The fact that the two of us would travel to Flagstaff separately made logistics simple. I went down a few days early, during which time I scouted out our route and was able to place jugs of water and sacks of feed at strategic spots along the trail, to ensure we had sufficient feed for the horses and sufficient water for ourselves. As I was traveling along the path we would follow, or as close to it as the ranch roads would take me, it started to rain. Solid dirt turned to deep mud and I found myself at risk for getting stuck out in the middle of nowhere with my horses back at camp near Flagstaff. I found that if I kept my speed up I could float right through the mires and bogs I encountered along the way. My main concern was just keeping the truck on the road as I powered through. To say the least, though, it was a lot of fun! Late in the afternoon I arrived at Tusayan, where we would finish our trip, having scouted the route and placed our feed and water along the way. My odometer read 86 miles.

My truck at the end of the day

While I was looking for a place to stash feed and water near the trail at the Grandview lookout tower, just outside the park boundary about 16 miles east of Tusayan, I came across a couple hikers who had been hiking the entire Arizona Trail. They identified themselves by pseudonyms, wisely, so I do not know their true names, but Southern Comfort (he) and Groceries (she) were making 25 miles per day and were just finishing their day, having passed some of the stretch I had just driven. They were out of water, so I shared my water with them, saving them a couple miles of hiking at the end of a long day to find water. A hearty and happy couple. Their story is enchanting. He is from North Carolina and she is from California. They met on a hike and were married a couple weeks later. They have been hiking together ever since.

The following day, I saddled up Apollo and, leading Calypso, went for a short ride through the trees north of Flagstaff. It was a very pleasant ride. Apollo required a little work to get him used to crossing water again. I’m not sure he had any appreciable experience outside an arena before he came to me, however he was progressing well. Calypso was fine on the trail.

In the past week or so I noticed Apollo was losing weight. I expected him to trim down, due to the mileage I had put on him over the past month and a half, but he was dropping weight too quickly. After our ride, I noticed he was acting like he had pain in the kidney area and was having trouble urinating. That concerned me. It was not colic, as he was passing manure normally. I decided a trip to the vet was in order.

Jeff arrived about 3pm that afternoon (Sunday). I explained the problem, so we put off our departure for the pack trip one day, so I could get Apollo in to see a vet. I was able to contact a vet and received a call-back. I was able to get him in to see the only large-animal vet in the area at 8am Monday morning. The vet’s assessment was that Apollo had a urinary tract infection, possibly occasioned by drinking brackish water on the wagon train expedition we had ridden a couple weeks before, north of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the commemoration of 150 years since the Golden Spike celebration of the joining of the railroads. He prescribed a regimen of antibiotics and a pre-biotic food supplement and sent us on our way. To save explanation later on, suffice it to say the antibiotics worked and Apollo made the trip in good health without pain.

On Monday afternoon, Jeff and I drove our vehicles to Tusayan to stage my truck and trailer at the end of our trail. We parked it about a mile east of Tusayan, along USFS Road 302, where primitive camping is permitted. That evening, Jeff treated me to a mouth-watering medium-rare bone-in ribeye steak in Flagstaff. Jeff is a great guy to have along on a horse pack trip!

We got our pack trip underway around noon on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, which was still within our planned travel dates. The first day of travel was in the foothills of the San Francisco Peaks on the north side of Flagstaff, at an elevation of just over 9,000′, heading northward. This was the most beautiful part of our trip and we took a lot of photos and truly enjoyed the ride. (Click on a photo to see larger versions)

The horses performed well and gave us no trouble. We moved right along and made nearly 21 miles before stopping for the evening.  Surprisingly, we found little water along our route. We made camp near Badger Spring, where we found a little water in the stock pond there.

Camp the first night, near Badger Spring

Jeff and I became aware early on in the trip, that his horses and Calypso would waste no time in heading back toward our camp at Flagstaff at any opportunity, if left free, but Apollo would stay with Calypso, no matter where she was. That evening, while Jeff and I made camp and had our freeze-dried dinners, I let Apollo graze loose, while the rest of the horses were high-lined.  After dinner, I went to check on the horses and give Apollo his medicine and discovered that Calypso had slipped her halter and she and Apollo were nowhere to be found.

Calypso under pack and Apollo under saddle

Jeff and I quickly saddled his horses, Cottontop and Tank, and headed back down the trail to try to head off my horses before they got too far. We found them less than a mile from camp, but they kept ahead of us and would not allow us to come up to them. Finally, about another mile down the trail, they came up to a cattle guard and fence line that stopped them in their progress. They turned and headed along the fence line. As it was long after dark and my horses are black, we could not see them and did not know how far they had gone along the fence line. I had been working on teaching Apollo and Calypso to come at my whistle prior to coming on this trip, so I decided to give that a try. I whistled as loud as I could. Within a few minutes, I heard them coming, with Apollo in the lead. They let me come up to them and seemed glad to see me. We led them back to camp without trouble. After that experience, I tightened Calypso’s halter and we were careful about making sure all four horses were tied securely at night.

The following day we made 24 miles, which included  a stop about 14 miles back, at a ranch where I had staged feed. We were now down out of the pines and into the cedars and junipers and sage. While our campsite had no water or grass, the horses had been fed and watered well around mid-day, so they were fine. We had planned to make it to Lockwood Tank that day, but the horses were tired and so were we. We made the wise choice to camp, rather than push further. This camp was not ideal, but it got us out of the breeze for the night.

The following morning, as we were packing up, we had our first wreck. It wasn’t much, but it added a little excitement to our trip. While Jeff was packing up Cottontop, the pack saddle slipped to the side before he got his second pack on and Cottontop went to bucking!  He finally got it all off and settled down. No harm done and no equipment broken. Those bear-resistant hard panniers, from Outfitters Supply, are tough! We picked up the gear and re-packed Cottontop and all went well from there.

We made Lockwood Tank that day around noon. I had cached feed there, so we took a lunch break and watered and fed the horses.

Taking a nap at Lockwood Tank

After Lockwood, our next waypoint was Moqui Station, where I had staged more feed and a jug of water for ourselves. Since we were making more miles per day than anticipated, my staging points were out of sync with our actual travel. We reached Moqui Station in the early afternoon. Our water jug had been turned over and leaked and was empty. We fed the horses again, but they weren’t much interested. We decided to keep going another 8 miles to Russell Tank, where we would find water for ourselves and another sack of feed for the horses.

My followers will recall that last year, my best trail buddy, Clancy, my Blue Heeler, passed away. Since I had no appropriate place to bury him, I had his body cremated and had planned to spread his ashes somewhere along the trail between Mexico and Canada. As I moved along the trail on a hilltop somewhere between Lockwood and Moqui Station, I decided the time and place were right.

There was a light breeze and the smell of sage was pleasant. I took out the small velvet bag that held Clancy’s ashes, said a small prayer of gratitude for having had Clancy in my life, and gently poured the ashes out along the trail. It was a spiritual experience for me…that is until the breeze picked the ashes out of the air and covered me and my horse in them! Ugh! Ashes in my nose, in my mouth, on my face, in my eyes, on my glasses, all over my saddle and my black horse!

I guess Clancy had the last laugh after all!  So long, buddy. See you on the other side.

Russell Tank is actually a small lake and a beautiful place. It is a place commonly visited for fishing and picnicking and camping. The USFS has built a nice restroom facility, which is where I had cached a sack of feed. We watered and fed our horses and settled down for a nice evening. We had again made 21 miles and we and the horses were tired. We decided a little rest in this place was needed, so we planned for a short day of travel for the following day.

Our arrival at Russell Tank

We enjoyed our camp at Russell Tank. Jeff braved the very cold water and took a bath in the lake. I satisfied myself with a simple cowboy shower (spongebath). We relaxed and spent the morning just resting ourselves and the horses. We all needed it.

In the early afternoon, we packed up and headed on down the trail to Grandview Lookout, only about 12 miles away. That would be our planned travel for the day.

We made Grandview about 5pm and set up camp just off the USFS road. It was a good camp. We got sprinkled on a little, which was the first precipitation we had experienced since Flagstaff.

The following morning, we packed up and started out on the last leg of our pack trip. We knew it was only about 15 miles to the place where we had staged my truck and trailer and we were two days ahead of our planned travel schedule, so we were pleased with the way things had gone, but we were not in a hurry.

It was then, when we were most relaxed, that we had our big wreck.

It was Jeff’s turn to open the next gate and we soon came upon a cattle guard and gate we needed to pass through. Jeff dismounted from Tank and snubbed Cottontop’s lead rope to the saddle horn. Apparently, Cottontop decided to try to graze, which caused a pull on the saddle horn, which caused Tank to pull back, and soon both Tank and Cottontop were galloping away down our backtrail together. As Tank ran, Cottontop ran to keep up, which caused Tank to speed up all the more. I had also let Calypso follow loose along with our string. She joined in the excitement and headed off down the trail, following Tank and Cottontop.

I whistled for Calypso, at which she stopped and looked back, not knowing what to do. She didn’t immediately return to me, but stayed in the area. By this time Tank and Calypso were at a full run. Luckily, I was still mounted and Apollo, although excited, was handling the excitement well. I turned to follow the horses, but they kept well out ahead of me.

Eventually, they turned through the trees and Cottontop’s lead rope pulled loose from the Tank’s saddle horn. Tank then slowed down and turned back toward us, but Cottontop’s packsaddle was slipping by this time and things were flopping. The hard panniers banged loudly on trees as Cottontop ran.  Finally a strap broke as Cottontop ran past a pine tree and banged one of the hard panniers. Things began to unravel at that point.

Finally, both panniers came loose and Cottontop circled back to his human partners, looking for help. I had followed the horses on Apollo, while Jeff followed on foot. Cottontop came right to me and let me catch him, still huffing and puffing from his fright. I tied Apollo and held Cottontop, while Jeff caught up. Tank and Calypso also came back to us. I figure the horses ran nearly two miles in all, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it can’t be far off. We were lucky they circled back, rather than heading straight down the trail.

We checked Cottontop over and found he had a pretty ugly scrape on the backside of his left front leg, just below the knee, but it wasn’t serious. We were very relieved to find he had some bangs and bruises, but no serious injury.

We were also pretty amazed to find that the only damage to the pack saddle and panniers was that one pack ring in the side of a pannier had pulled out. We were able to make a quick repair for that and shortly thereafter had Cottontop repacked and ready to move on down the trail at a more reasonable pace.

We stopped at Grandview Lookout tower for a few minutes, but, after the excitement of the morning, neither of us had the gumption to climb the stairs of the tower for a look. We decided to just head on down the trail toward Tusayan. Grandview Lookout is, in fact, only a couple miles outside the Grand Canyon National Park boundary. We had thoughts to head down the USFS road to enter the park and maybe get a few photos of the canyon, but we decided to forego that and just finish our pack trip. We will get plenty of photos of the canyon in May 2020, when we plan to cross the canyon and make our way on up to the Arizona/Utah border.

Shortly after leaving Grandview Lookout, we came across the only significant wildlife of our trip. We surprised a fair sized herd of elk, grazing in a meadow. A little later we came upon another, smaller herd of elk. Other than the elk, on the entire trip we saw one coyote, a couple squirrels, a couple horned toads, and a snake. That was it! I have no explanation for it, but it was disappointing.

We made our endpoint near Tusayan at about 3:15pm on Saturday. In all, our GPS units generally agreed that we made approximately 94 miles, beginning to end.  After unloading and brushing the horses down, we loaded them and our gear into the trailer and headed for Flagstaff. We stopped at the McDonalds in Tusayan for a bit of refreshment and feel-good food to enjoy during the drive.

End of the trail near Tusayan, AZ

Back at our base camp at Flagstaff, we highlined the horses, separated our gear, and got ready for the trip back to Utah. We left the horses and drove into town, where Jeff rented a motel room. We each enjoyed a hot shower, after which Jeff again treated me to a steak dinner.

The following day, Sunday, Jeff and I said our goodbyes and separated. He headed back to Utah, while I headed for Eagar, Arizona to visit my parents for a few days.

So, another leg of my Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip has been completed. As I mentioned before, Jeff an I are planning the next leg for May 2020. We will begin at the Grand Canyon National Park, cross the canyon south-to-north on the Arizona Trail, and make our way up to the Utah/Arizona border…maybe even farther.

Many thanks to Jeff for being a great trail partner and friend.

I finally made it up the mountain!

Well…a mountain.

Today, Jeff Palmer and I made a ride I have been wanting to do for several years. You might recall my post from a couple years ago, in which I talked about a trail up a mountain near my home that I had been wanting to ride. I had found a way up to the trail, but until today I had not made the time to actually ride it.

The trail up the mountain, as seen from my house.

The trail is actually a service road for a cellular transmission site located on top of a mountain just east of Salem, Utah. I am getting my horses prepared for a pack trip into the Wind Rivers next week as well as my second foray to Alaska in September. So, it occurred to me that a ride up that road that has been calling my name for nearly five years would be a good conditioning ride for my good steed, Apollo. I called Jeff and asked if he was interested in going. Of course he was!

So, this morning about 10am, we set off on our ride, straight from the stable where I keep my horses. I rode my Tennessee Walker, Apollo, and ponied Calypso, while Jeff rode his huge Fox Trotter, Tank.

After we traveled about a mile and a half along paved roads to get to the bottom of the trail, we started the steep ascent on an ATV trail to reach the service road. That half mile or so is a steep climb for horses (you can see the trail in the foreground of the above photo), but good for getting them in condition for a tough pack trip.

Once we reached the first level, having climbed around 1,000 feet in about 1/2 mile, I tied up Calypso’s lead rope around her neck and let her follow along behind, without me tugging on her lead rope.  On other pack trips, she has followed along just fine, but we hadn’t gone another mile, before she decided she had had enough. We stopped to give the horses a breather and she quietly turned around and headed back down the mountain. Not a sound. She didn’t even whinny as we headed on up the trail. She just snuck away.

Experience told me that if we went after her to try to catch her, she would simply stay ahead of us and lead us back down to the bottom. We let her go, trusting that she would find her way home or that someone would tie her to a fence post or something.  She’s about five months pregnant, but in pretty good condition, so I figure she just decided she didn’t want to go up that hill.

So, on up the hill we went. The horses handled the nearly 4,500 foot climb in elevation fairly well. We gave them breathers every mile or so. The 8.5 mile climb to the cell towers took us just over three hours.  It was a nice ride with a cool breeze, despite the heat in the valley.  The upper elevations included passage through aspen groves. The sweet, moist smell was very pleasant.

The view from the upper reaches of the trail, including the area at the cellular transmission towers, was spectacular. We had clear view of the north and west faces of Loafer Mountain and Santaquin Peak as well as an uninterrupted view of the entire Utah Valley and Utah Lake.

It was well worth the wait.

I sent a photo of the view of the town of Salem from the cell towers to my wife at home via text. She returned the quip, “I can see my house from there!”

As usual, the ride down the mountain took about half the time that the climb took. Our horses, sensing they were heading home, stepped up the pace. About halfway down, we picked up Calypso’s trail, which we kept track of to make sure she actually made it down the mountain.

She did. We found her in a pasture along the route home, where a good neighbor had let her into his pasture. We picked her up, thanked the homeowner, and made the last mile to home. We arrived back at my stables about 4pm.

It was a very nice and worthwhile ride. One I’ll likely make again some day, as there are several other trails I saw up there that I’d like to find try on for size.

So, I finally made it up the mountain.

On to the Wind Rivers next week.


I almost forgot to mention the large rattlesnake we passed, sunning himself at the edge of the trail, just before we got to the top. We disturbed him again on our way back down.



Just a short update…in case you were wondering.

I have to apologize to my followers. I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t taken the time to compose posts about my latest pack trips. In fact, I still haven’t finished the last post about my Alaska trip last year!

I have been remiss. No doubt about it.

So,  I thought I’d take just a few minutes and just update you all on what’s been happening and make a promise to get caught up on my trip posts within the next couple of weeks.

I have put in a bunch of trail miles over the past several months. A lot of good rides with a lot of good friends. I calculate I have put over 350 miles on Apollo alone, since I got him February 25, 2019.

During most of the bad weather up here in Utah Valley, spanning the entire winter (which lasted until about last week!) I spent several weekends and one full week, riding in the St George area. I really enjoyed that. I got a lot of training done on Apollo during that span, as well as some miles on Lizzy and a couple other horses.

Me with Apollo and Lizzy near St George, UT

I also made two trips to Capitol Reef National Park to ride Pleasant Creek.

I spent three days riding with friends in the Moab area at the end of April. Wonderful riding!

The Moab area is spectacular! I put more miles on Apollo there and put some miles on Chance, breaking him in as a pack horse.

I spent five days in early May riding from Brigham City, Utah to Snowville, Utah (near the Idaho border), about 75 miles, as part of the sesquicentennial Golden Spike 150 Wagon Train. I switched off, rotating Apollo and Calypso as saddle and pack horses.

What a great time that was and what good people I met. My good friend, Rob Prody, participated with me, riding Trigger, my daughter’s big Tennessee Walker. That was my first wagon train experience and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Then, to cap it all off, from May 14-18, my good friend, Jeff Palmer, and I rode our horses from Flagstaff, Arizona to the Grand Canyon National Park. What a great pack trip that was! Our horses performed flawlessly…well almost. We had a couple minor incidents, but nothing serious, only enough to add spice to an otherwise uneventful trip.

Uneventful, but enjoyable. We started out above 9,000 feet, in the pines and alpine meadows north of Flagstaff, dropped below 6,000 feet in the junipers and pinons, got rained on a time or two, and ran short of water on one stretch, and ended up at Tusayan, just south of the entrance to the Grand Canyon National Park. Jeff enjoyed it so much, he is planning on returning with me next spring to cross the Big Ditch and make our way up to the AZ/UT border.

During all that, I have sold several horses, which has helped finance some of these activities. In January, I sold Turbo, the one-speed wonder, to a fellow who wanted an excellent trail horse that would not buck him off and would keep up with his riding buddies’ horses.


I haven’t heard from him, but he never called during his 30-day trial period, so I expect his riding buddies are now working hard to keep up with Turbo’s run-walk.

In February, I contracted to train a beautiful grade Tennessee Walker Gelding named Apollo. I ended up liking the horse so much that I traded a registered Tennessee Walker mare, Oreo, for him.


Apollo and I are still growing together and enjoying every mile, and Oreo has a great home with a woman in North Ogden who loves her like a family member.


During March, I sold one of the best trail horses I have ever owned, J Golden, to a fellow in Richfield, Utah. It was a surprise move for me, as I had no intention of selling that wonderful gelding.

J Golden, under his new owner, Larry Wiley.

However, once the thought entered my head, after having allowed the fellow to ride him a time or two, I could not get rid of the thought and eventually, I just caved in. I’m glad I did, as J has a great home and he gets ridden almost daily by a man who appreciates a great trail horse.

I sold Chance in April to a couple from the Kamas area, who were looking for a smooth-riding gaited horse. They are enjoying Chance and are very pleased.

In April, I spent a week down at my parents’ home in Eagar, Arizona, doing some work on my place there. The plan was to return from Eagar with my mare Calypso, which I have been keeping there with my young colt, Chief, and my mustang, Jimbo. While I was there, I noticed Calypso had come into season and that Chief had discovered what being a stallion was all about. I was lucky enough to get them separated before anything “untoward” happened. However, when I got up to feed the following morning, I discovered Chief had destroyed Dad’s corral gate and he and Calypso were standing together in the same corral looking very satisfied. Well, I successfully separated them for the rest of the week, and I decided to leave Chief there in Eagar and took Calypso home to Utah. My hope was that Chief was still young enough (18 months) that he was still “shooting blanks.” Wrong.

I brought Chief back to Salem, Utah after the Flagstaff pack trip. I took him to the vet last week to have him gelded. At the same time I had Calypso pregnancy checked. Turns out I will have a foal out of Calypso and Chief sometime around the middle of March, 2020. I was disappointed at first, but now I’m grateful that I’ll be having a foal out of Chief. He’s turning out to be a very nice looking horse with a wonderful temperament and very intelligent. I had considered keeping him a stallion, but I just don’t have the facilities required to safely keep a stallion. It just didn’t make sense for me. So, Chief is now a gelding and I’ll have a foal out of him sometime next spring. The foal will not be registerable, as Calypso is a grade Rocky Mountain Gaited Horse. However, it should be a nice horse, sired by Chief, which is a registered Missouri Fox Trotter that is turning out to be quite handsome and Calypso is a beautifully built and nicely gaited RMGH.

Which leads me to the next conclusion:  I’ll be keeping Calypso until at least after the foal is weaned.


Last Saturday, June 1, I finalized the sale of the best trail horse I have ever ridden, Lizzy. She went to the wife of the fellow who bought J Golden. This was another sale I had not anticipated.

Me on Lizzy

But, I’m pleased to say that Lizzy will join J Golden in a great home for them both. Both Miranda and Larry became close friends to me as I worked to find the perfect horse for Miranda. I think I nailed it. She and Lizzy are fast becoming a solid trail companionship. That’s good, because Larry laid down the law and let her know she could not have J!

On Monday, June 3, I picked up a huge registered Tennessee Walker for Derek Habel, a friend of mine, and brought him to Spanish Fork. I worked this horse for two weeks to see whether he’s going to be suitable for horse packing hunt trips to Alaska. I think he’s going to work. Last Friday, Derek made the agreement to purchase the horse, so it will be up to me to work the kinks out of him and get him ready for the big Alaska moose hunt this fall.

Red, 16-1/2 hands of Tennessee Walking Horse

It’s going to be a fun project. Red is great on the trail, but has a couple of issues that need to be smoothed out, before he’ll be ready for the hunt trip.

Right now I’m on a road trip to New Mexico to help babysit grandkids and celebrate Father’s Day with my oldest son, after which I’ll be heading back down to Eagar, AZ for a couple days with my parents and to get some things done on my place down there. I’ll be back at home and working my horses again by the end of the week.

In between all these activities, in my spare time, whatever that means, I have been doing a little leather work. I made two saddle scabbards, a pair of spur straps, and a Leatherman sheath and started work on a set of pommel bags for myself.  I recently started work on a pair of batwing chaps for a friend.

So, as you can see, there is no moss growing on me. I’ve been pretty busy. Hopefully things will begin to settle down a little over the next month or so and I’ll get caught up on organizing my photos and make some good posts.

I hope my readers will cut me a little slack and stick with me. And thanks for reading.




I Had a Good Day Yesterday…

March 2, 2019

I got up early…but not too early, had breakfast, hitched up my trailer, and headed out to see the horses. I enlisted the help of my son-in-law to help me catch-up Oreo, who was to be taken to Harrisville, Utah to meet her prospective new owner, Cindy Boccia. Oreo is a little reluctant when it comes to being caught in a big pasture, so I knew it would take a few minutes. After allowing the six horses to run around the 3-1/2 acres for a while, they finally decided they’d had enough fun and games and settled down to be caught – Oreo last of all. We haltered and tied each one, after which Oreo stood to be haltered.

We loaded Oreo and Apollo into the trailer and I headed north toward Kaysville, where I picked up Jon Tanner and his yearling filly, Luna. Since we were to meet the Brand Inspector at Cindy’s place, we decided to bring Luna along to get her inspection done as well.

Once at Cindy’s place in Harrisville, both Luna and Apollo received their brand inspection. While that was going on, Cindy and I let Oreo out into her smallest corral, which was probably about a 75′ diameter round pen with a run-in shed on one end, so that Cindy could see how Oreo is to catch. After just a little effort, Oreo stood for me to halter her. She has been improving in that area over the past month or so, but she is still stand-offish. I am sure she will continue to improve and will eventually come to be haltered, under Cindy’s care.

Cindy, Jon, and I then loaded Apollo and Oreo back into the trailer and the three of us headed back to Kaysville, where we dropped Luna and loaded Jon’s Missouri Fox Trotter mare, Maya (Luna’s dam).  We then headed over to Antelope Island State Park for an afternoon ride.

Looking out toward Buffalo Point near White Rock Bay

For those unfamiliar with Antelope Island, it is an island in the southeastern part of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Over the years, the State of Utah has used it as a breeding ground for the state’s herd of buffalo, antelope, and bighorn sheep. Each year the state holds a buffalo roundup, where they gather the buffalo, cut out the surplus and sell them at auction.  The roundup has gained national fame and multitudes of people with their faithful steeds gather to participate. Registration for the event is held online and the available slots are filled many months in advance. The populations of buffalo and other animals are left to run wild, but are managed closely for health and numbers.  The park service has created a number of trails for equine, foot, and bicycle traffic on the island, making it a prime trail riding experience for those who enjoy a relaxing day ride, while being able to view wild buffalo and other wildlife of the island. For further information, see their web page at:

Between the ears, looking at a buffalo herd

Just a word of caution, buffalo are dangerous critters and they have no tolerance for the intrepid rider coming in among their herd. Do not think of them as cattle! Always stay well clear of them. There are more human deaths in Yellowstone National Park from buffalo attacks than from bear attacks!

The weather was not perfect, by any means, however. It was cold and a little breezy, with gray winter clouds hanging low over the mountain tops. We were unable to see the Wasatch mountains east of us. However, the temperatures were not too bad for riding, as long as one wore a couple layers and a good coat.  We saw several other horse trailers parked in the White Rock Bay parking lot, but encountered no other horses on the trail.

As the real purpose for this ride was to allow Cindy to get acquainted with Oreo, we planned for only a couple hours on the trail. There are a number of trail options, each differing in distance and elevation changes. We chose one that would take us around one of the hills on the island, offering nice views, both of the landscape and several small herds of Buffalo. There were slight uphill and downhill grades, as well as some long flat stretches where we let the horses stretch out their legs and get into gait for a ways.

Cindy getting acquainted with Oreo

As both Oreo and Apollo are Tennessee Walking Horses, Cindy and I put our horses (she on Oreo and I on Apollo) into their traditional running-walk, for which the Tennessee Walker is famous, while I coached Cindy a little on how to recognize the various gaits and how to teach her horse to select and stay in the running-walk. Oreo has been unschooled for a number of years and prefers a stepping-pace. She will need some correction to learn to stay in her very nice running-walk. Cindy picked it up quickly and will have Oreo gaiting perfectly within a short while.

Cindy on Oreo and me on Apollo

We discovered that Oreo wasn’t familiar with velcro. Cindy went to pull out her water bottle and when Oreo heard the velcro come loose, she shied and side-stepped a bit.  She also became a little uneasy at some bicycles, but was easy to handle, even when being skittish. Cindy handled her well under all situations.

Apollo, still a bit unsure on the trail, shied at a row of monster horse-eating boulders at the trailhead, but I was able to convince him to walk between them. Thereafter, he was fine. He shied along with Oreo at some bicycles, but handled the whole situation quite well. The bicyclists were very accommodating, in allowing us to have the horses stand and observe the fearful objects until they realized they were harmless.

So it turned out to be a good trail training day for both Oreo and Apollo and a nice exercise ride for Maya.

As the weather began to deteriorate, we headed back to the trailer, arriving just ahead of the snow. By the time we were headed back to Harrisville, the weather had taken a turn for the worst and we found ourselves driving through poor visibility and falling snow. Still the roads were not bad, just wet.

Me on Apollo (L) and Jon Tanner on Maya

Jon and I dropped Cindy and Oreo off at her place in Harrisville, where she and I prepared all the paperwork for the transfers of ownership for Oreo and Apollo. Once Cindy has had Oreo a while and has decided they will make a great pair on the trail, she will send in the paperwork to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food and the ownership transfers for Oreo and Apollo will be finalized. As always, with my horses, I offer a 30-day trial period, during which the prospective owner may evaluate the horse, and if, for any reason, they do not feel the horse is right for them, I will take the horse back and refund the purchase price. In this instance, the purchase price is Apollo. Cindy and I have agreed on a trade, horse for horse.

Jon and I then headed back for Kaysville, but took a slight detour en route for a nice Philly Cheesesteak sandwich at a local sandwich shop.

After dropping Jon and Maya at his place in Kaysville, I headed back south for Salem. When I arrived home, it was snowing heavily and the roads were beginning to get slick. After dropping Apollo at the pasture, I nearly jack-knifed my trailer while making a turn into my neighborhood. Luckily, I was moving slowly and a little pressure on the gas pedal straightened everything right out. It was nearing 8:30pm when I backed my trailer into its place at home. I was glad to be back home to enjoy a warm evening indoors with my good wife.

It was a good day all the way around.

Me on Apollo, my new 16HH Tennessee Walker gelding


A Training Ride and an Invitation

I am going forward with my plans to make another short segment of my Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip. In May this year, I will make the passage from Flagstaff, Arizona to the Grand Canyon National Park. I will not be crossing the canyon on this trip, but will stop at Tusayan.

In 2015, my dad and I made our way from the US/Mexico border to Dad’s hometown of Eagar, Arizona, by mountain trails, deserts, and backroads. That leg came to 355 miles, measured by GPS, and took us 28 days. I documented that trip in several blog posts that are available for your reading pleasure on this site. It is difficult to express in words how much I treasure that experience with my father. He and I had been talking and dreaming about making such a horse pack trip since I was in high school. Dad turned 81 years old just after we finished that trip.

Starting point, tied to the US/Mexico Border fence.
Dad and me just north of the US/Mexico border 2015

In 2016, Dad and I continued our trip. The second leg was supposed to take us from Eagar, AZ to Panguitch, Utah, just in time for us to ride in Panguitch’s Pioneer Day Parade and to celebrate the 64th Class Reunion of Dad’s high school graduation class of 1952. As it turned out,  however, that was a difficult trip for us. My favorite trail horse broke a leg on the fourth day and I had to put him down. Despite the tragedy, we continued the trip, but ended up having to stop at Flagstaff, AZ, due to extreme drought conditions and fire danger. There was not one drop of water anywhere in northern Arizona…at least not anywhere along our route. That leg of the trip came to 200 miles and it took us three weeks.

Dad and Me and our pack train on the Mogollon Rim, 2016

In about March 2017, Dad’s favorite horse bucked him off and dad suffered a couple pretty serious injuries. He has fully recovered, but it was touch-and-go for a while. He finally found a new home for that particular horse, so I gave him my little mustang as a trail companion.  Jimbo was Dad’s second saddle horse on our pack trip, so Dad has a long and special history with Jimbo. They are like peas in a pod. Two of a kind. Dad and Jimbo go together like pancakes and syrup.  Even though Dad has fully recovered from his injuries and is still able to ride, it made him realize that he has been pushing his luck. Last year my mother had to go through some back surgery and it fell to Dad to care for her and get her through the rough time. Dad has come to realize that if he were incapacitated, he would not be able to take care of some important responsibilities and that other people would have to be taking care of him. He has decided his horse packing days are done. Dad will not be riding any more of the Mexico-to-Canada horse pack trip with me.

Dad on our mustang, Jimbo, 2015

That doesn’t mean we won’t be going on rides together, just not back country pack trips.

So, for the upcoming leg of my big pack trip, I have invited some friends. So far, I have two close friends (I don’t yet have permission to publicize their names) who will be making this third leg of the trip with me. The trip from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon National Park covers, as close as I can figure, about 108 miles. We expect to cover about 15 miles per day, on average, so the trip will take about 7 days of actual travel. Adding two rest days to that, and an extra day for unanticipated contingencies, the trip will be about 10 days total. We have tentatively planned the trip for May 13-25, 2019. Now, it looks like we will have only Missouri Fox Trotters and Tennessee Walkers on this trip, so we’ll see if our daily mileage beats our estimates.

We are beginning now to get ourselves and our horses “legged-up” for the adventure. We are getting our gear together and putting some miles on the horses, trying to get ourselves into condition to maximize our chances to make a successful and incident-free passage from Flagstaff to the GCNP. There are some logistical details we still need to settle, but things are rolling.

I have hopes that I may be able to cross the Grand Canyon and continue to the Utah/Arizona border in the fall.

In the spirit of all of the above, I have planned a three-day horse camping trip to the Moab, Utah area for April 4-6. That is a Thursday through Saturday. My cohorts and I will be practicing our horse camping and packing skills and making sure all our horses are well-broke to the pack saddle and that we have all our gear together.

We will begin in the North Klondike area, probably arriving Wednesday evening, setting up a camp, then riding the area on Thursday. We will head farther south on Friday, to the area near the Hole-N-the-Rock store, about 12 miles south of Moab, for some red rock canyon riding. On Saturday we will likely head about 18 miles farther south, a little past Wilson Arch, to an area we call Turtle Rock, where we will ride about half a day, before heading home.

Here is a small gallery of photos from previous horse camps in the Moab area. Click on a photo to see the full image.

Anyone who would like to join us for this horse camping weekend in the Moab area is welcome to come.  The whole event will be BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything!). There is no fee, no registration, and no specific plans. Just enjoyable riding and some pleasant evenings around a campfire. There will be no services at any of these places, so everybody must fend for themselves. There are places in town where one may fill water jugs, etc. and I suppose there’s a feed store somewhere in town.

While I’m not going to call this a clinic and there will be no fees for anything, I will be available during our evenings and mornings to assist anyone who may be wanting to get started in horse camping, horse packing, and trail riding, during those three days.

I will post updates on my Western Trail Rider facebook page as well as on Feel free to contact me by email at


For anybody thinking about coming to ride with me at Moab, here are the coordinates of my campsites for the nights indicated.

Wednesday 38°49’11.73″N 109°45’57.56″W
Thursday 38°22’52.43″N 109°27’23.13″W
Friday 38°12’51.91″N 109°22’3.07″W

You can enter those in Google Earth and see the places. As there will probably be a lot of folks there for spring break, we may have to move our campsites a little, but they will be very near those coordinates.

Come join the fun.

At camp on the Gila River


Once in a While, You Just Have a Great Day

Today was one of those days that just keeps getting better…then it’s over.

I got up bright and early, had my breakfast, then, right on time, my buddy arrived. Our plan for the day was to deliver a horse to a buyer in Richfield, UT, then to visit my aunt and uncle in Elsinore, UT, then to find a place to ride for a few hours, as we start our tune-up rides in preparation for a long pack trip in May.

We arrived in Richfield and delivered Chance, a 12 year-old Tennessee Walking Horse gelding, to its new owner, who was overjoyed to see him. Miranda committed to buy Chance last Friday and has been chomping at the bit herself, to get him to his new home.

Chance, ready for a ride

While we were there, her sister arrived to see the new addition to the family. Now she wants one.  She has decided that one of my trail horses, maybe in the Tennessee Walker variety, might be just exactly what she needs. I’ll be keeping an eye out for another as nice as Chance.

After that, my buddy and I visited my aunt and uncle, Torla and Jim Boucher, of Elsinore, Utah. I hadn’t seen them in a while and we enjoyed about 45 minutes of pleasant conversation and catching up. I completely forgot to get pictures!

My friend and I then headed back north, just as it began to snow in Elsinore. We began to consider heading farther north and east, down into the desert lands east of the mountain range, hoping for better riding weather.  However, as we came near to Sigurd, Utah on I-70, we noticed some very interesting looking mountains to our north and decided to just find a place to park the trailer and head for those mountains.

We were lucky enough to find a nearby exit (Sigurd) and turned north of the freeway. We found a two-track road that headed back toward the west, that took us to a good place to park the truck and trailer. We saddled up there and headed northward into the hills, my friend riding Trigger, a registered Tennessee Walking Horse, and I riding Lizzy, my registered Missouri Fox Totter and favorite trail companion.

Shortly after heading out, we came upon a canal we had to cross. Of course, there was no water in it this time of year, but the sides were steep and we had to find a suitable place where the horses could descend in to the bottom of the canal. Once in the bottom, the sides looked much higher and steeper that they did from the top! We eventually located a place where the horses could scramble up out of the canal. It was a good training obstacle for ourselves and the horses. They handled it with aplomb and grace. We, on the other hand, just held on and stayed in the saddle, while the horses did all the work. Seems that when we do the most difficult obstacles, we never get photos! I guess we are pretty busy keeping ourselves upright and had no time to be concerned with a phone-camera in the hand.

After crossing the canal, we headed northwest toward the mountains. We came down into a creek bed and followed it deeper into a canyon surrounded by steep red rock cliffs, accented by streaks of snow. It was quite beautiful. We rode back into the canyon a quarter-mile or so, before heading back to the east, across the foothills at the mouth of the canyon. We followed no trail. Just made our way through the cedars.

Once out of the foothills, we headed back southeast, toward the trailer. It was getting on toward evening and temperatures began dropping, but luckily, the snow storm never moved up into the area in which we were riding. We could see it off to the south, shrouding the mountains in snow and clouds.

On the way back across the flats, Trigger, the horse my buddy was riding, stepped into a deep hole and nearly went down. My buddy lost his hat, but kept his seat. Trigger went to his knees, but regained his feet and all was well.

We arrived back at the trailer quite satisfied with the day’s activities. both horses, Lizzy and Trigger, seemed to have enjoyed the ride as much as we did.

My buddy, incogneto, on Trigger, a registered TWH.

My friend and I then unsaddled, brushed, and loaded the horses into the trailer, then headed into Salina, Utah.   My friend bought me a nice dinner at Mom’s Cafe, which has been an icon in Salina since 1917.

I recorded my ride with Ramblr. The link is here:

The dinner was nice, the conversation enjoyable and the time well-spent. The drive home was uneventful and filled with enjoyable conversation.

Tomorrow I will be hauling Oreo, another Tennessee Walking Horse, up to Syracuse, Utah to show her to prospective buyer. I’m looking forward to that as well.

What a great day!

Lizzy, a registered MFT, my favorite trail companion.

Heading for Alaska!

Well, by about the end of this week, I’ll be on the road headed for Alaska!

A couple weeks ago, a friend, Derek Habel, invited me to accompany him on his annual moose hunt. He hauls his horses up there every year about this time and spends most of a month out in the back country hunting moose and enjoying the outdoors of our northernmost, largest, and one of the least populated states in the union. As things turned out, this year he was going to have to go it alone.

It has long been a dream of mine to do a horse pack trip in Alaska. You know, you have that “bucket list” of things you’d like to do before you kick-the-bucket. Then there’s that wish list of dreams you know you’ll never get to do, but wish you could. My pack trip to Alaska on my own horse just moved from the wish list to the bucket list, and by the end of September, it will have it’s box checked off! For me, this is literally a dream-come-true!

Sheds anyone?

Derek has done this trip each of the last four years (this being his fifth trip). He loads up six horses in his stock trailer and heads north. The travel restrictions aren’t too bad, considering.  You have to have proof of ownership, current negative Coggins test, and a health certificate, then you have to get some federal paperwork done. Don’t forget a passport for yourself. After that, the papers are presented at the Canadian Border, so you can pass through Canada on the Alcan Highway. No handguns are allowed, but long-guns (hunting rifles) are ok. The trip to where Derek hunts is about 1900 miles from home here in Utah. Tok, Alaska is the nearest US town, about two or so hours from our trailhead. Derek says the trip takes four days, after which we’ll pack in about 18 or so miles and set up camp.

This year, instead of hauling in a stock trailer, Derek bought a nice… make that a very nice, living-quarters horse trailer that will accommodate six horses. That will make it nice for both man and beast for the trip up and back. We’ll actually be in the backcountry for about two weeks or a little more. We expect to be home during the first few days of October.

Derek on Jade, 2017

Over the past month or more, I have been helping Derek “leg-up” his horses for the trip and doing a little horse training for him as well. That’s how I worked myself into an invitation. You see, I had the third leg of my Mexico-to-Canada trip planned for this month and Derek didn’t want to upset my plans. I was concerned about him heading up there to Alaska by himself, what with five horses, Grizzly bears, and trying to haul out a dead moose by himself, but he never put out the invite. So last week, when he started dropping hints about how tough it was going to be to do this trip alone and how he wished he had someone going with him, I finally decided he was not going to outright invite me and I was going to miss out if I waited for it. So, I finally asked what would he think if I rearranged my plans, so that I could accompany him on this trip. Well, Derek lit up. Funny how we both wanted the same thing, but kept beating around the bush. So, I’m going to get a wish-list thing done and Derek gets a willing body to carry luggage and wrangle horses. Tough job, but somebody has to do it!

DJ on the 2017 moose hunt

I had a tough time deciding which of my horses to take with us. We’ll have five of Derek’s horses, and he has more available, but I really wanted to take my own horse on the trip. It’s a thing, you know. So, at length, I decided on J Golden. He’s not quite the trail horse Lizzy is, but he’s a better saddle horse. Besides, I wanted him to get the experience. He’s only been on one pack trip with me, but he’s turning out to be a pretty good trail horse.

We’ll we’re all set and ready, just waiting on some mechanical issues on the trailer to be resolved. Looks like we’ll be hitting the road this weekend.

The photos were supplied by Derek from his 2017 hunt with his son, DJ.

I can hardly wait!


If you want to keep track of us, I’ve linked my Garmin mapshare page to the website. Just click on the Trail Map tab above.

A Pack Trip into the Blue Range Primitive Area, Arizona…


During July, this year (2018), a friend invited me to head into the Wind River mountains for a fishing horse pack trip. As things turned out, however, the fellow who was to guide us to his favorite fishing hotspots was unable to go. So, since my friend lives in Arizona and I needed a chance to visit my parents there, we decided instead to head for the Blue Range Primitive Area in eastern Arizona.

When I was 15 years old, way back in 1974, my father took my younger brother and I on a hunt trip into the Blue Range Primitive Area in eastern Arizona. We had three horses with us. Only Dad was successful in bagging a deer, but all three of us had a successful father and sons experience.

At the end of the hunt, Dad drove our truck and trailer to the top of Red Hill Road and parked it at the upper trailhead for Red Hill Trail. He then hitchhiked back down to us and we rode the horses up Red Hill trail to the top. It was a true old west adventure for Craig and me. We stopped for lunch near the peak of Red Mountain, under a huge juniper tree. We had forgotten to bring any silverware, so we all ate from a can of Van Camp’s Pork-n-Beans with a wooden spoon carved by Dad. That wooden spoon experience on Red Hill Trail started a tradition in my family. It remains one of my fondest memories from my boyhood. All my kids know that story and all have eaten pork-n-beans with a hand-carved wooden spoon.

Since that first trip, the Blue Range Primitive Area has been my favorite part of the whole world. Partly, I guess, because of the memories, but also because of the rugged and interesting terrain. Falling from just under 9,000 feet elevation at Hannagan Meadow to about 5,000 feet on the lower Blue River, the trails of “The Blue” pass through a broad spectrum of terrain and plant life, from Douglas fir and aspen forests to scrub juniper, red cliffs, and desert brush. A wide variety of game and other wildlife make the Blue their home, including the recently re-introduced Mexican Wolf.

So, in light of our current situation, my friend, Sterling Beus, and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity for me to haul my horses down from Utah and take a pack trip that I have wanted to do for many years, while at the same time allowing me to visit my parents in Eagar, Arizona.

I hauled my two horses, Lizzy and J Golden, along with my daughter and son-in-law’s two Tennessee Walkers, Bandit and Trigger, from home in Salem, Utah, down to Eagar, Arizona, on Thursday, August 2, 2018.  My 2005 Dodge Ram 3500 recently received a remanufactured transmission, so this was a good break-in trip for it. The drive was about 10-1/2 hours, but all went well. At my parents’ house, I let all four horses into their corral with my mustang, Jimbo, and Lizzy’s yearling colt, Chief. After some running around and getting rank and file settled, they all settled into a friendly relationship.

Setting up camp at the trailhead

Sterling and his son, Tyler, showed up on Friday afternoon and shortly thereafter we departed for the two-hour drive to the trailhead. In my trailer were the four horses I brought down. We camped at the trailhead at Hannagan Meadow and spent a pleasant evening getting reacquainted and eating some tasty steaks cooked over a fire.

Ready to head out

The following morning, we packed up and headed down the trail. As usual, when beginning a pack trip, it took a few minutes for the horses to settle down and get their minds on the business of gaiting on down the trail. This is one of the times in which I truly appreciate the value of our Tennessee Walkers and Missouri Fox Trotters on the trail. We moved on down the trail averaging about 6-7 miles per hour, while enjoying the smooth running walk (my Fox Trotter, Lizzy, was our pack horse) of the Tennessee Walking Horse. 

Overlook above Paradise Park

We started our descent into The Blue on Foote Creek Trail (#76), following it to P-Bar Lake. Somewhere near P-Bar lake, we encountered a pair of hikers, who were out scouting for elk. They told us Foote Creek Trail was impassable below Paradise Park, which agreed with information I had from other knowledgeable sources. Because of that information, the route we chose was to descend to the Blue River by Grant Creek Trail (#75) from Paradise Park. Just southeast of P-Bar Lake, which is actually nothing more than a small stock pond, Grant Creek Trail separates from Foot Creek Trail. The “Y” is pretty plain, but the trails are not marked. With the aid of our USFS map and a rock cairn locating the trail, we took the trail leading in a southerly direction and were pleased to find further along that it was the right trail.

 We found a couple official trail markers along our route, one marking a shortcut over to Moonshine Park, but we stayed with the trail we were on and descended into Paradise Park. Paradise Park is a small valley which spreads out over maybe 30 or so acres, with large pine trees, grass, and, at times, a few small ponds of water. It would make a very nice camp area for hikers, but the inconsistency of water makes it only a stopping area for horses, where they can graze while resting. This area was touched by the Wallow Fire, but not entirely destroyed. It is recovering well.

Below Paradise Park, the trail is marked, although poorly, by a series of rock cairns. The trail itself is difficult to see in many places, but by keeping a sharp eye out, we were able to locate just enough rock cairns to keep us on the trail.  About a half mile or so below Paradise Park is a turnoff to White Oak Spring. We found the fence and gate in disrepair and the trail marker stuck in the wire on a post, not in its original position, nor accurately pointing the way to the spring. Having been to the spring many years before, I knew the way. The spring lies just over a hill and down into a small gorge. It has been improved by ranchers over the years and currently consists of a capped spring with a plastic pipe running into two water troughs. Canteens can be filled without concern from the pipe and there is plenty of clean, cool water for the horses. There is also a small wire corral and a good patch of grass. This was our lunch stop. We unloaded Lizzy and loosened cinches for a nice rest.

White Oak Spring

From White Oak Spring to the bottom of Grant Creek, the trail was very difficult to stay on. We lost the trail a number of times, reacquiring it only by scouting back and forth until we located some sign of a trail. Sometimes the only indication of a trail was the smooth edge of a tree branch that had been cut off by a saw to clear the trail many years before, or the remnants of a log set in the trail to divert runoff water. In most places the actual trail was no longer visible at all. In this section there were no rock cairns. This area was only minimally affected by the Wallow Fire, but there is so little foot or horse traffic that the trails are simply vanishing. It is important to try to stay as close to the trail as possible, as the terrain becomes quite steep and there are bluffs in places and one can get himself into a jam pretty easily. The trail follows the only safely passable route to descend through the lower part of this area to Grant Creek. A good, reliable and experienced trail horse is a great comfort to the rider here.

Once into the creek bottom, the trail was easier to follow, although it was not an easy trail. Much of the trail has washed out and there has been no trail maintenance in many years. However, due to the close and very vertical terrain, it is pretty easy to determine where the trail has to be. With a little brush-busting and a lot of log crossing, we made our way down the trail.

Heading down into Grant Creek

About 3/4 mile or so from the confluence of Grant Creek with the Blue River, we noticed clouds building north of us and heard the unmistakeable roll of thunder in the mountains. We decided to make camp a little early, so that if we got caught in a monsoon shower, we would be not be unloading packs in the rain. As it turned out, the storm passed north of us and we got no rain at all. Still, it was a nice camp area.

Surprisingly, while the weather was mild, it was very, very humid. July and August are the monsoon season in Arizona. I am an Arizona boy, but I have never experienced such humidity in Arizona before. It reminded me of summers in Virginia. Still, and even more surprisingly, flies and mosquitoes were not a problem. It was nice to have a good flow of water in Grant Creek, in which we could bathe and cool off a little. There was also plenty of grass for the horses. It was a nice camp area.

Camp on Grant Creek

We enjoyed a small camp fire and good conversation that evening. Our meals were dehydrated package meals. They were surprisingly tasty. We got no rain that night, so we stayed dry on the outside. Inside our clothing, however, we sweated. It was so warm that we ended up sleeping on top of our bags most of the night. Luckily, as I said before, mosquitoes were not a problem.

The next morning, we packed up, cleaned up our camp, and headed on down the trail. I decided to give J Golden a try as a pack horse, since I had broken him to the pack way back in June. I rode Lizzy and put Tyler on Bandit. Sterling remained on Trigger. At first, J gave me a little trouble, as he still didn’t like the hard panniers. He kept trying to get up next to Lizzy, which caused the pack to bump her rear, making her more concerned with J than with the trail ahead. After giving J a couple good “whops” on the nose with a loop of lead rope, he began to stay back and Lizzy resumed watching where she put her feet on the trail. It didn’t take long, before all I had to do was raise my hand and J would fall back in line behind Lizzy. He became a pretty good pack horse.

Just a short way down the trail, Tyler came upon the largest Western Diamondback Rattlesnake I have ever seen! It was lying just off the trail, sunning himself. His rattlers were going full blast, but he would not move. I have never been too concerned with rattlesnakes bothering my horses, but Sterling’s Labrador would have been in real danger from this fellow. After we took a handful of photos, Tyler got off the horse and held Missy’s collar while we all walked around this big old snake. Without exaggeration, he had to have been at least a full 4″ in girth and 5′ long, possibly 6′ (we didn’t get close enough to measure). His head was as big as my fist. He was a big ol’ boy!

One BIG rattlesnake!

After getting past Mr. Rattler, we made our way on down to the Blue River and onto Blue Road. Our plan was to follow Blue Road to the Foot Creek Trailhead, where we planned to check out the lower part of Foot Creek Trail (#76) up to Cleveland Spring Trail, then take that over to the Red Hill Trail. However, it seems the trail marker for Foote Creek, that used to be there, is no longer there and we missed it. We had passed it by more than a mile before we realized it, so we just continued on Blue Road to the junction with Red Hill Road.

At Red Hill Road, we took a break and had a late lunch. There is a designated camp ground there, complete with restroom, camp shelters, picnic tables, and even ancient petroglyphs. We stayed outside the campground, though, where the horses could graze on the lush grass on the shores of the Blue River.

After relaxing a while, I started thinking about the trail back to the top and realized we probably would not see any water anywhere on the trail. We were also starting to see large storm clouds gathering around the mountain tops. We decided we were not likely to find a better campsite than right were we were, so we crossed to the south side of the river and set up camp under some trees. The horses were more than happy to continue grazing on the grass that reached nearly up to their knees.

I again learned that I can’t leave Lizzy free at camp, unless at least two other horses are tied. She tends to move a lot while grazing and the other horses follow her around. I had her and Trigger both hobbled, yet, when I looked up to check on them a while later, Lizzy had led all the horses across the Blue River and they were grazing on the other side. I walked over, crossed the river, and walked in among them. I caught up Lizzy and Trigger and removed their hobbles, then decided to try something I have not done in a very long time. I decided to see if Lizzy would allow me to ride her bareback. She had never been ridden bareback, to my knowledge, and I hadn’t tried it in nearly 20 years. I got her up near a small bank and slipped up onto her back, only then realizing I hadn’t tied her lead rope up to make reins. I reached up, leaning on her neck, and tied the tail end of the lead rope onto the halter ring. Then I gave her a leg cue and away we went. Didn’t even need the reins. She calmly took me back across the river and over to camp, with the rest of the herd following. I was quite pleased. We decided to highline the horses, not wanting to chance them wandering off in the night.

A nice camp on the Blue River

This was a very nice camp. We decided to forego a campfire, because we were simply too tired, and just cooked our meal on the single-burner Coleman propane stove I have used for years on my pack trips. After eating our re-hydrated meal, we laid out our beds and relaxed a while before bedding down. While we still suffered from the humidity, a storm front passed through, dropping the temperatures a few degrees. We only received a few drops of rain, however, but the thunder rolled around the mountain tops most of the evening and the lightning gave us a very nice light show as evening drew on. Again, mosquitos were not a problem. It was very pleasant. 

The next morning, we packed up and started up Red Hill Road to Tut Creek Trail. The trailhead is about a quarter-mile west of Red Hill road about a half-mile above Blue Road. There is a decent dirt road to the trailhead, where there is a sufficient parking area for several large rigs. There are several metal corrals, as well. No restrooms, though.


J leading the way

We packed J again, he having proved himself a pretty good pack horse the day before. He had learned and performed his job so well, in fact, that I tied his lead rope up on his pack and let him go. Interestingly, whereas J doesn’t

J checking out the corrals at Tut Creek Trailhead

normally care much for leading the group and generally does a lot of looking around to make sure everyone is following, with his pack in place, he just took off down the trail. I think he was happy following Missy, the Labrador. When we came up to the Tut Creek Trailhead parking area, he took off on his own and decided to go check out the corrals. I enjoyed his new-found confidence as a pack horse.

About a quarter-mile down Tut Creek Trail from the trailhead,  we came into the creek bottom, where we found the trail marker indicating Red Hill Trail heading north, while Tut Creek Trail continued west. We headed up Red Hill Trail, following the creek bottom and watching for rock cairns marking the trail, as the trail was seldom clearly visible. There was no water in the creek bottom.

Ascending up out of the creek bottom

About a mile-and-a-quarter up the creek bed, we were lucky enough to notice three rock cairns in a row about 25 or so feet apart, which, when lined up, pointed off to the west side of the trail. This is the point at which the trail leaves the creek bottom and starts up the mountain. The trail, at this point, looks like a game trail, rather than a designated foot trail. There has been little traffic and no maintenance on it in a very long time. This trail ascends the mountainside along a ridge at the rate of about 1000′ in about a 1/2 mile. I’m her to tell you it was a tough climb for the horses.

About 3/4 of the way up this hill, there is a quick jog in the trail, where it turns around the corner of a fenceline. There is a rock cairn there that marks the switchback, but it is easy to miss and apparently it has been missed before, because the trail goes on past the switchback and ends up, who knows where? We were lucky enough to spot the rock cairn. We checked the map and it also showed a quick jog at that point, which confirmed to us that the switchback was correct. From that point, the trail heads up the sidehill toward a saddle. This trail was extremely rocky and steep. This is not a trail for a beginner. It was hard work for our horses, which are seasoned trail horses. We stopped several times to let them take a breather.

As we crossed the summit in the saddle, we completely lost the trail. We dismounted and spent nearly half an hour searching for the trail. We kept coming back to an old, barely visible blaze in an oak tree, right where the trail crossed the summit. Finally, we decided to continue following what we believed was the trail, which now descended into a valley on the opposite side of the mountain. We crossed a number of downed logs in an area that was somewhat affected by the fire and, picking our way along carefully, near the bottom discovered an old blaze on a standing Ponderosa Pine. From there, we followed the only logical route for the trail, which lead up a ravine heading northwest, finding the occasional old blaze to assure us we were still on the trail.

Now, I should clearly state here that these blazes were long healed over and only visible if you knew what you were looking for. We looked for a scar on a tree that had a matching scar on the other side. They did not look like blazes, only healed scars on the trees. If there was a matching scar on the other side of the tree, it was likely a blaze. We were lucky to find enough of them on trees that had not been burned down, that by also consulting the map we were able to find our way up the trail.

Throughout the ascent on Red Hill Trail, we were treated to spectacular views. With the recent rains in the area, the air was crystal clear and visibility was well over 50 miles.

About halfway up the trail, it crosses Red Mountain. Where it crosses near the peak, there is a broad open area with several huge Juniper trees on it. That is where, when I was 15 years old, my younger brother, Dad, and I stopped for lunch and ate a can of Van Camp’s Pork-n-Beans with a hand-carved wooden spoon, under the shade of one of those ancient Juniper trees. Sterling, Tyler, and I stopped under that very tree and had our lunch. I’m sorry I didn’t have a can of beans to celebrate my “homecoming.” It was for me a pleasant thing to return to that spot and recall fond memories from nearly 45 years before. That was one of the highlights of the trip for me.

(I got some video of the big old juniper tree on my GoPro. I’ll try to extract a photo from it and insert it later)

After lunch and a much needed rest for the horses, we continued on up the mountain. Again, the trail was difficult to stay on and we lost it a time or two, but within about a mile we again began to see the occasional rock cairn. While the ascent was still quite steep and was tough on the horses, it was much less precarious and difficult than the section of trail we had just completed. We were now back up into the Ponderosa Pines and tall grasses. The air was also drier and cooler. We had ascended nearly four thousand feet above the Blue River in a very short distance, as the crow flies.

By this time, we could tell the horses were thirsty. At one point they wanted to leave the trail and head off down a deep gorge. We can only assume they smelled water in that direction.  Once over the last summit, we descended into the valley in which Red Hill Road is located. As we descended, we came through an area where there were many blowdowns. We crossed log after log in that last half mile before the trailhead.

The upper Red Hill Trailhead

We reached the upper Red Hill Trailhead about mid-afternoon. The horses hadn’t seen a drop of water since we left the Blue River that morning and they had had a very tough day. In all, our trip was about 30 miles in three days.

At the trailhead, we unsaddled Trigger and J and rode the quarter-mile or so to Red Hill road. We found a small water hole a little ways east of the trailhead road, where we watered the horses. After they all had their fill, we headed back to the trailhead, where we had previously staged a pickup. We left Tyler with the horses, while Sterling and I went to retrieve my truck and trailer from the trailhead at Hannagan Meadow. 

Water, at last!

After loading up, we headed home, stopping in Alpine to celebrate our successful pack trip with a nice dinner at the only decent cafe in town. Sorry, but I can’t recall the name of the place. Food was good, though.



I love the Blue Range Primitive Area. It remains my favorite part of the whole wide world. I can never get enough of riding my horse through that country. There is no end to the interest it holds for me. I have, at various times in the past, seen elk, both whitetail and mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, black bear, and even a wolf in that area. I took the largest mule deer I have ever harvested down near the lower trailhead of Red Hill Trail, many years ago. I absolutely love that area and have many good memories attached to it. It’s too bad I live so far away. It was a real pleasure and a choice opportunity for me to head down into that country with good friends and good horses for an excellent three-day pack trip.

Here’s the Ramblr link for map, stats, and route:

Another Nice Ride Near Soldier Summit, Utah

Last Tuesday, I took a couple good friends for a nice horse ride out near Soldier Summit, east of Utah Valley off of Route 6. It was an area in which I have wanted to ride for a while now, so I took the opportunity, while it is sooooooo hot in the valley. Temps in Utah Valley have been in the 90s, which may not sound like much to somebody from Phoenix, but when I can head to higher elevations within 45 minutes and see a temperature drop of 15-20 degrees, well, why not?

Starting the ride

So, off we went.

My friends, John Fife and Rob Prody, haven’t done a lot of mountain riding, so this was a pleasant break for them as well. John rode Trigger, my daughter’s Tennessee Walker, an excellent horse with a superbly smooth gait. Rob rode J Golden, my Tennessee Walker, who also has a very nice gait, and I rode Lizzy, my Missouri Fox Trotter. Now, I’m still working on smoothing out Lizzy’s gaits, but she is still the best trail horse I’ve ever ridden.

We started our ride, just off of USFS Road 047 just a few yards south of where it comes off of USFS 081. I’ll give all the details about how to get there at the end of the post. We started out following game trails southward, along the eastern side of a large gulch, which descended away before us. Our plan was to ride the eastern side, then cross over and return on the western side, making a nice, long loop of it (I avoid in-and-out trails if I can; I much prefer loops).

Our path joined an actual trail

However, as we descended the canyon, our path joined a fairly well-traveled trail that descended to the bottom of the gulch and followed it out.  Further down the trail we even saw signs of trail maintenance. Still, we crossed a number of deadfalls and blow-downs on the trail. We also crossed a few sagebrush meadows and eventually got into pine groves and aspen. The elevation was in the 8,000 foot range.

The scenery was pleasant, but we didn’t see wildlife, although there was plenty of elk and deer sign. In all likelihood, we were talking too much and too loudly to see anything.

As we descended lower, keeping to the trail following the bottom of the gulch, we came to a couple of springs that quickly made a decent flow as a creek in the bottom. As we began to look for a place to have lunch, my mare, Lizzy, who was in the lead, began acting up a little and it became evident she was smelling something that worried her. I thought maybe she smelled a bear on the trail. Still, the brave girl she is, she kept going forward and eventually we heard the bleating of sheep. We stopped short of the flock and had a lunch break. A couple of the sheep wandered up to where we were and showed themselves. The horses stared and snorted, but quickly accepted that they were not dangerous critters.

After a nice, relaxing lunch break and some good conversation, we mounted back up. Rather than head back up the trail we had just descended, I decided to give John and Rob the experience of ascending a steep hillside and do a little bushwhacking to get us back to the trailer.

We headed due north, right up a hillside, on which we climbed about 1,000 feet in elevation in a very short distance. I showed them how to pick a trail and gauge the angle of climb and distance between switchbacks, and when to rest the horses and give them a breather. This is the kind of riding that teaches you to trust your horse and gives you confidence in his/her abilities.

Ascending a steep hillside

As we came over the mountain and made our way back up toward the trailer, we crossed through aspen groves, aspen thickets, hillsides covered in Douglas Fir and other conifers, and areas of many blowdowns. I always consider that

Aspen thicket and blowdowns

kind of terrain to be good trail training for the horses and riders.

My mare Lizzy is an excellent trail horse who always keeps her head down and her eyes on the trail.  She will cross the most difficult trail obstacles, carefully picking her way. She has learned this over many miles of rough terrain. Both J and Trigger are learning mile by mile.

After many miles on backcountry trails, I have learned that horses aren’t very good at picking a good route through difficult terrain. I place the duty of picking the path on the rider, while leaving the horse to pick where it places it’s feet on that path. A horse that keeps it’s head high and looking down the trail, rather than down at the trail immediately before it, is one that may stumble and get itself and its rider into trouble.

Back at the trailer

We arrived back at the trailers safe and sound about three hours after we started, having enjoyed a very pleasant and somewhat challenging ride.

The trail we rode has no name that I am aware of and I was unable to find any name on any map for the gulch we rode down, however, I recorded the trip on Ramblr. You can  find all the specs of the ride there.

Here is the link:

The area we rode is accessed from Utah Route 6, just east of the Soldier Summit service station. Turn east on USFS 131, then about 1/2 a mile along, take the right fork onto USFS 081. Take that road about seven miles and it comes to a long southerly elbow. At the apex of the elbow you will see USFS 047 heading about due south. We just found a parking spot near a USFS weather station (or something of the sort), but a little further down we found some decent log corrals and a nice, wide area for parking a trailer. It would accommodate about any size horse trailer and there is plenty of room for turning around. No services, though, and no water. The trail is unmarked, but just head down the gulch to the east and you will find the trail.

Just a note of caution, USFS 081 is a very narrow dirt road with a lot of bends. It is fairly decently maintained, but passing another rig coming the other way at certain spots could be “touchy.”

I discovered later, by looking at Google Earth, that the trail we rode down continues down the gulch, eventually meeting USFS 081 about 3.5 miles from Route 6 in a place called Trail Hollow. I suppose that might be a good place to start a ride to ascend the trail we descended, but I don’t know whether the trailhead would be on USFS property or privately owned. Maybe I’ll try that on a future ride.

The view back toward Soldier Summit from the hill we climbed

The trail we rode, as documented by Ramblr, is not particularly difficult, except that we bushwhacked on the return, rather than staying on the trail. That part should be considered moderately difficult for experienced horses and riders, due to the steep ascent up the hillside and the brush busting through aspen thickets. We considered it a training ride, so it was all in good fun for us. The entire trail is suitable for unshod horses. In fact, J Golden had lost a front shoe before we started and showed no tenderness by the end of the ride.

Overall, a very pleasant ride.