Tag Archives: Bears Ears National Monument

I am about to become politically involved…..

I have been following, although somewhat casually, the issues regarding land control and use in the State of Utah, which includes the recently created Bears Ears National Monument. I have read blog and facebook posts, articles, and other information shared by organizations of which I am, or have been, a member, which includes blatantly false and misleading information calculated to instill fear in the public mind that if control of federal lands is returned to the states, our treasured natural parks and other lands and resources will be forever lost and their beauty destroyed.

This evening I decided I will take an active part in this issue. On this  website, westerntrailrider.com and on my facebook page Western Trail Rider, I will be publicly supporting the efforts of the State of Utah and other states to return control of federal lands within their boundaries to the states themselves.

While I will invite and encourage educated and civil debate of those issues on this page and on my website, I will not tolerate uncivil or mean-spirited commentaries.